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Answer for the clue "Ballet position ", 6 letters:

Alternative clues for the word pointe

Usage examples of pointe.

Which yoong woman reuerently bowing to the earth with her right knee, reseruing the other still vp, whereuppon shee helde this couer of coorrall, which also besides the flowers, had vppon the pointes and toppes of other twigges or sprouts curiously infixed monstrous great pearle.

Lake Pointe, the handsome house, snap and hiss of logs aflame, chunky glass in my hand, Glory Doyle Geis in wine slacks and white sweater sitting on a cushion on the raised hearth, dainty, bitter-sweet, semi-sad in the firelight.

Vpon the pointe of which Obelisk, with great arte and diligence, was fastned a copper base, in the which also there was a turning deuise infixed: whervpon did stand the shape of a beautifull nimph framed of the aforesayd matter, able to amaze the continuall diligent behoulder.

They had sighted him well to the south, just as he opened the great bight of Douarnenez, sailing large on a north-west wind, with his bowsprit set towards the Pointe du Raz, possibly making for the mouth of the Loire and the port of Nantes.

Tout a coup un fracas de verrerie lui fit brusquement tourner la tete pour voir qui venait de renverser cette verrerie, et il apercut au milieu de la chambre, se tenant sur la pointe des pieds sans oser avancer ou reculer, son ancien professeur Crozat.

In the morning I met Lew and Screwy in the parking lot and we sat near the day lilies and pitched gravel at the NORTH POINTE MIDDLE SCHOOL HOME OF THE PATRIOTS sign.

I met Lew and Screwy in the parking lot and we sat near the day lilies and pitched gravel at the NORTH POINTE MIDDLE SCHOOL --HOME OF THE PATRIOTS sign.

Thunes, tourne ton pied droit autour de ta jambe gauche et dresse-toi sur la pointe du pied gauche.

Il voulait ressembler a Rubens et, pour y parvenir, il portait de longs cheveux, la barbe en pointe, un feutre a larges bords, un pourpoint de velours et un grand manteau.

Apres avoir traverse une rue de village, dont les maisons basses, couvertes de chaume, sont gaiement peintes en bleu clair, nous touchons a la pointe du cap Cornu.

Pointe des Monts and winding in behind the Isles des Oeufs to the River Pentecoute, where she deposited some more habitans, including a priest in a black soutane, who somewhat incongruously was smoking a large cigar.

The suburb they had their sights on was the affluent lakefront district of the auto magnates: Grosse Pointe.

Montreal and loajed on the Stord, a Norwegian -built merchant ship, which promptly ran aground at Pointe des Monts in the Gulf of St Lawrence.

Luce was putting on a surgical mask, and my schoolmates back in Grosse Pointe were pointing at me and laughing, their faces lit with malicious joy.

On the north-west, in the direction of Fond Colo and Morne Daniel, nothing but pure rain-water had fallen, and neither Loubière nor Pointe Michel had seen any signs of volcanic disturbance.