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Answer for the clue "Partridge family tree? ", 4 letters:

Alternative clues for the word pear

Usage examples of pear.

These juices, together with those of the pear, the peach, the plum, and other such fruits, if taken without adding cane sugar, diminish acidity in the stomach rather than provoke it: they become converted chemically into alkaline carbonates, which correct sour fermentation.

Who would not give back the luscious pear and peach to their native acritude, rather than subject the highest forms of vegetable life to such irreverence?

So inventing by the light of inner consciousness alone, he worked up tiny doses of the grey ambergris into mutton fat, coloured it faintly pink with cochineal insects he caught on the prickly pear hedges, added a little crude borax as a preservative, and so produced a cosmetic that was no better and little worse than the thousand other nostrums of its kind in daily use elsewhere.

The banks were lined with flowering peach, and chiching trees with violet flowers growing directly from the trunks and branches, and behind them was a shady bamboo grove, and then the pear trees, and then a thousand apricot trees that were flaming with a million scarlet blossoms.

Xylomelum pyriforme or native pear trees with their wooden fruit and unpleasant odour, and the Goodenia ovata with its dark serrated leaves and yellow flowers and the Pittosporum and Sassafras were all clasped together and held close by native jasmine, and up through it all the cabbage and bangalow palms and the Eucalyptus microcorys or tallow wood and the Swamp Mahogany or robusta of the eucalyptus genus stood into the humid air.

There was everywhere a bewildering mass of fruit blossom--apple, plum, pear, cherry.

The maid had set out five bone china plates holding salads that combined Bibb lettuce, avocado slices, and wedges of ripe pear with a crumbling of Gorgonzola.

Zero looked at Bowler, who nodded gravely as he bit into a pear himself.

South American plant, this botanical insecticide was discovered in the early 1940s and has proved good for control of codling moths in apple, pear and quince trees.

He nibbles on the salad nicoise, he polishes off the galantine, and he uncurls the spiral pears!

From the bark of the stem and root of the apple, pear and plum trees, a glucoside is to be obtained in small crystals, which possesses the peculiar property of producing artificial diabetes in animals to whom it is given.

No sign that human life had ever existed out here between the thorny lechuguilla and prickly pear flats encouraged her.

Lizzie explained that mirliton was a vegetable pear and alligator pears were avocados.

You recall your delight in conversing with the nurseryman, and looking at his illustrated catalogues, where all the pears are drawn perfect in form, and of extra size, and at that exact moment between ripeness and decay which it is so impossible to hit in practice.

There were rounded plums and oval indeterminate fruit, some long and fluted like a banana, others ovular and end-swollen like a ripe alligator pear.