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Answer for the clue "Action taker ", 4 letters:

Alternative clues for the word doer

Usage examples of doer.

They could see no sign of trouble, but the Birder assured them there were small groups of ill doers lurking just out of sight.

But bycause the name of this boke semeth to the redar to procede of derysion: and by that mean that the substance therof shulde nat be profitable: I wyl aduertise you that this Boke is named the Shyp of foles of the worlde: For this worlde is nought els but a tempestous se in the whiche we dayly wander and are caste in dyuers tribulacions paynes and aduersitees: some by ignoraunce and some by wilfulnes: wherfore suche doers ar worthy to be called foles.

Now, to whose house should these Diabolonian doubters go, but to the house of an old Diabolonian in Mansoul, whose name was Evil-Questioning, a very great enemy he was to Mansoul, and a great doer among the Diabolonians there.

Morris and seven men working with him formed the Preraphaelite Brotherhood and gave the workers and doers of the world an impetus they yet feel.

The front doer banged and from the window she saw Doctor Quimper stride angrily from the house to his car and drive away.

People of the Aca, to be delivered to the five Elders:--it is, that to-morrow the maiden be presented in the temple, when, by the mouth of the Zuhua Kak, of the Virgins of the Flame, the Elders, and the people, penance shall be said before the Symbol of Xibal, Lord of Death, and afterwards supplication beneath the Disc of Life to Him whose raiment is the Sun, and to Viracocha, the Doer, Lord of Dawn, that our nation and our dwelling-place be no more destroyed by the Bursting Fires and Great Waters.

Now, to whose house should these Diabolonian doubters go, but to the house of an old Diabolonian in Mansoul, whose name was Evil-Questioning, a very great enemy he was to Mansoul, and a great doer among the Diabolonians there.

Deare Lady, deedes ought not be scandBy th'authors manhood, nor the doers might,But by their trueth and by the causes right:That same is it, which fought for you this day.

I know of two Evil Doers in Boca Raton who are alone in a magnificent waterfront mansion.

If the judgment was guilty, the makers and doers would push these weapons inward toward the planets.

In the actual offensive, as they performed the Job, they would be aided by makers and doers and robot craft not limited by human physiology.

Or we can sleep and wait for the makers and doers in the pre-birth cloud to send their weapons down.

We pull in the remotes, coast in quietly, release the bombships, pick them up again after they've injected the weapons into Nebuchadnezzar, drop our doers to gather volatiles in the ruins, accelerate outward to Ramses as fast as possible, and execute again.

Three of the ships, upon spreading their mines filled with makers and doers, had produced merely the flowering of immense atmospheric explosions across thousands of kilometers, leaving turbulent scars on the planet's surface.

Suspended in the field, all his body a huge bruise, medical doers like tiny golden worms criss-crossing, touching his bruised flesh, nothing touching him but the golden worms, mouth dry but not parched, top of head burning.