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Word definitions for deductive in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1640s, from Latin deductivus , from deduct- , past participle stem of deducere "to deduce" (see deduce ). Related: Deductively .

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ NOUN reasoning ▪ This process is in many ways analogous to deductive reasoning . ▪ Even so the qualification has been imposed by deductive reasoning . ▪ It results from a process of logical, deductive reasoning , unsullied ...

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. relating to logical deduction; "deductive reasoning" involving inferences from general principles [ant: inductive ]

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Deductive \De*duct"ive\, a. [Cf. L. deductivus derivative.] Of or pertaining to deduction; capable of being deduced from premises; deducible. All knowledge of causes is deductive. --Glanvill. Notions and ideas . . . used in a deductive process. --Whewell. ...

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
a. 1 Of, pertaining to, or based on deduction (process of reasoning). 2 (context logic English) Based on inferences from general principles.

Usage examples of deductive.

An examination will show that the deductive process follows the ordinary process of learning, or of selecting certain elements of old knowledge, and organizing them into a new particular experience in order to meet a certain problem.

In the previous consideration of the deductive lesson, it was pointed out that this type may be used to give a further mastery of general rules previously learned, rather than a knowledge of particular examples.

Reasoning is of two forms, deductive, or syllogistic, reasoning, and inductive reasoning.

Finally, as already noted, the application of an ordinary recitation frequently involves deductive processes.

On the other hand, however, it has been seen that both deductive and inductive reasoning follow to some degree a systematic form.

This is called the Quantification of the Predicate, and leads to some modifications of Deductive Logic which will be referred to hereafter.

If, indeed, the value of logical systems were to be judged of by the results obtainable, formal deductive Logic would probably be superseded.

But if the evidence be deductive, it will probably consist of an Enthymeme, or of several Enthymemes one depending on another.

Astronomy or Physics furnishes numerous illustrations of the deductive method.

Now, these two deductive arguments, verifying each other, have also been verified experimentally.

Suppose, however, that, in verifying a deductive argument, the effect as computed from the laws of the causes assigned, does not correspond with the facts observed: there must then be an error somewhere.

When, however, such conceptions hindered the progress of explanation, it was not so much by vitiating the deductive method as by putting men off from exact inquiries.

In a deductive classification, at least, it seems better to regard every attribute as a possible ground of division.

He was merely asserting that the results of a deductive or experimental process could be considered accurate only if the assumptions or source material underlying that process were accurate as well, an element of scientific methodology centuries ahead of its time.

Its deductive approach, even to the measurement of clothing, results in complete ineptitude, and its array of abstract misfits, flappers, and adulterous wives, fleshes out the impression that the Laputans not only have the wrong idea but insist in imposing that idea universally.