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Alternative clues for the word deported

Word definitions for deported in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
vb. (en-past of: deport )

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Deport \De*port"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Deported ; p. pr. & vb. n. Deporting .] [F. d['e]porter to transport for life, OF., to divert, amuse, from L. deportare to carry away; de- + portare to carry. See Port demeanor.] To transport; to carry away; to ...

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Deported is a 1950 American crime film starring Märta Torén and Jeff Chandler . about an American gangster sent back to his home country who falls in love with a widowed countess.

Usage examples of deported.

We surmised that the man had been deported to serve as an antiAmerican spy.

But they saw through his game, and he was deported on the steamer and given the freedom of the world.

He was apprehended, tried and convicted of trespass, sentenced to pay a small fine, and again deported on the steamer with the warning that if he trespassed again, he would be fined one hundred dollars and be sent to prison in Honolulu.

He tried Hawaii, where, unable to prove him insane, the authorities deported him.

Behind it was the fine hand of the same conservative element that haled the Nature Man before the Insanity Commission in Los Angeles and that deported him from Hawaii.

It ' s been decided to take over the building for a district soviet hostel for visitors from the country and to call it the Tiverzin Hostel, in honor of Comrade Tiverzin, who lived here before he was deported, as everyone knows.

Several prominent people, professors who belonged to the Cadet Party and Right-wing Socialists, Miliukov, Kizevetter, Kuskov, and several others including your Uncle Nikolai, my father, and the rest of us, are being deported abroad.

He wished he could have her deported, preferably to someplace cold and wet and uncomfortable.

Maybe he could have the arrogant bastard deported right along with his hired help.

Bar Association -- and what kind of ambition he has in mind: I'll take long odds not only that he's on the Interpol files but also that he's an ex big-time American racketeer who has been deported to Italy -- and the line of business in which he used to specialise would make very interesting reading, because the criminal leopards, even the biggest cats in the jungle, never change their spots.

I cannot tell you how much I look forward to seeing tomorrow's headlines in all the American newspapers which so contemptuously wrote me off as a nonentity and washed-up has-been when I was deported two years ago.

Longarm grimaced, allowed he wasn't there to discuss anyone's health, and demanded, "Are you sure you didn't tell her you were a famous American lawman who could have her and her man deported if she didn't give you a French lesson?

As a consequence, I regret to inform you that you are both to be deported from Fluva.

Three years earlier, in 1986, the former Interior Minister of the Nazi puppet state of Croatia during World War II, Andrija Artukovic, had been deported from the United States to stand trial for war crimes in Zagreb .

Only a quarter of those deported ever returned to their homes in Romania .