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Alternative clues for the word diabolic

Word definitions for diabolic in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
late 14c., from Old French diabolique (13c.), from Late Latin diabolicus , from Ecclesiastical Greek diabolikos "devilish," from diabolos (see devil (n.)).

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Diabolic is an American death metal band from Tampa, Florida , founded in 1998 by drummer Aantar Lee Coates and guitarist Brian Malone.

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil; "devilish schemes"; "the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen"; "the diabolical expression on his face"; "a mephistophelian glint in his eye" [syn: devilish , diabolical ...

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
a. 1 Showing wickedness typical of a devil. 2 Extremely evil or cruel.

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Diabolic \Di`a*bol"ic\, Diabolical \Di`a*bol"ic*al\, a. [L. diabolicus, Gr. ? devilish, slanderous: cf. F. diabolique. See Devil .] Pertaining to the devil; resembling, or appropriate, or appropriate to, the devil; befitting hell or satan; devilish; infernal; ...

Usage examples of diabolic.

They flew into a cloud of little silver hands that snatched and gouged and choked and punched, searing diabolic flesh.

Certain men, especially bastards, are obliged at each full moon to transform themselves into these diabolic beasts.

With the first effusion of blood their diabolic covering vanishes, and they are recognized, to the disgrace of their families.

The heathen gods became devils, and the marvels related of them were supposed to be effected by diabolic agency.

The younger talked of life up here, of the events the changing seasons brought in their course, of various personalities among the patients, of the pneumothorax, the functioning of which he explained at length, describing the ghastly nature of the pleura-shock, and citing the case of the good-natured Herr Ferge, with the three-coloured fainting-fits, the hallucinatory stench, and the diabolic laughing-fit when they felt over the pleura.

Magogeans with the help of their diabolic ultrawave cannon succeeded in overthrowing our empire, those uff us who were not slain sought refuge here on the eternally dark side of Magog.

I say, is there anything in the Pandects or the Justinian Code relating to the proper legal procedure against diabolic possession or spiritism?

And he was sitting outdoors at the Baja Naja, toying with the remains of a perfectly agreeable if unspectacular lunch while discussing a kind of previously unsuspected diabolic state of being with an extensively parasitized visitor from another continent.

I will tread under foot this monster of knavish and diabolic statecraft, and all Europe shall see that a German prince is the first to break a lance against this Machiavel, who is making the people the slaves of princes.

And he was sitting outdoors at the Baja Naja, toying with the remains of a perfectly agreeable if unspectacular lunch while discussing a kind of previously unsuspected diabolic state of being with an extensively parasitized visitor from another continent.

To the massed chanting of sutras, the measured clanging of gongs, and to drums, throbbing like savage alarms to war, the great army got under way, and the air pulsed as though charged with some diabolic influence.

She must have credited me with a diabolic appetite, but these women often contrive to extract charms out of their depravity which their delicacy would be impotent to furnish.

His diabolic eye fixed on the back of the driver's neck, the encircling fringe of uncut hair in curled clawlike strands, an insufficient neck whose appearance, whose otherness, was a vile offense to the gaze of the initiate.

The galleries were filled to the aisleways and ceilings with those few of the crowd who by influence, wealth, or sheer diabolic perseverance had managed to get in.

L’ingeniosite diabolique de la nature a atteint avec ce serpent le plus haut degre de perfection, the experts claim in the library book of snakes: In this serpent the diabolic genius of nature has attained the highest degree of perfection.