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Answer for the clue "Barely obtain, with "out" ", 3 letters:

Alternative clues for the word eke

Usage examples of eke.

In youth he made of Ceyx and Alcyon, And since then he hath spoke of every one These noble wives, and these lovers eke.

Claudius himself who is writing this book, and no secretary of his, and not one of those official annalists, either, to whom public men are in the habit of communicating their recollections, in the hope that elegant writing will eke out meagreness of subject-matter and flattery soften vices.

Ali Baba pursued his woodcutting, day in and day out, collecting vast and back-breaking quantities of wood in the wild forest beyond the city, receiving calluses upon his palms and splinters in his fingers, facing constant threats from wild bandits and wilder beasts, so that he might eke out the most meager of existences.

I be a younger son, younger grandson, and eke younger great-grandson and precious little noble blude flows in me.

Marry, I cannot remember the names of them all, but there was certes the pavonian touch, the Ledan straddle too, the chthonian ditch, the I think it was termed Ceutan flight and eke the Madrilenan interuberal.

The rest of their living was made either out of a conacre potato patch, for which they were charged a tremendous rent, or eked out by the excursion of one member of the family to England for the reaping season.

Thus it is that I am forced to eke out my best years in the company of dribblers and bed-bespatterers.

As any lady, emperess or queen, That is betwixt the East and eke the West Do with my life and death right as you lest.

Ere he had done this operation, And knew full many a seal and many a bond This mirror eke, that I have in mine hond, Hath such a might, that men may in it see When there shall fall any adversity Unto your realm, or to yourself also, And openly who is your friend or foe.

Grees, Sligh, and Emala pushing through the eked performance hall, approaching likely-looking Twilight bidders on the pretext of offering them inside information on the auction merchandise.

Christian blode, lorde Materna cam that autumn to Danczk for to wreak al manner of fiercenesse, and eke to hank Claus Bartusch by the neck, at which tyme he set vp his passyng styffe peter for a gallows, whereat wondyrment was of alle the robboures and marchants.

Y-wis, I am a vaunter, at the least, And eke a liar, for I break my hest.

And when thou hast done thus as I have said, And hast our vitaille fair in them y-laid, And eke an axe to smite the cord in two When that the water comes, that we may go, And break an hole on high upon the gable Into the garden-ward, over the stable, That we may freely passe forth our way, When that the greate shower is gone away.

And eke it is not likely all thy life To standen in her grace, no more than I For well thou wost thyselfe verily, That thou and I be damned to prison Perpetual, us gaineth no ranson.

And eke men brought him out of his country From year to year full privily his rent.