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Word definitions for esteem in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Esteem \Es*teem"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Esteemed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Esteeming .] [F. estimer, L. aestimare, aestumare, to value, estimate; perh. akin to Skr. ish to seek, strive, and E. ask. Cf. Aim , Estimate .] To set a value on; to appreciate the worth ...

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Esteem was the debut full-length album for Australian synthpop band Machinations . The album was released in April 1983 on White Label Records, a subsidiary of Mushroom Records .

Usage examples of esteem.

Captain Toner has aboard a frigate called Endymion someone that I esteem very highly, along with forty other men he took from my ship off the coast of Brittany.

Tyrold did justice to the sincerity of this offer: and the cheerful acquiescence of lessened reluctance, raised her higher in that esteem to which her constant mind invariably looked up, as the summit of her chosen ambition.

Legge, esteemed the two most illustrious patriots of Great Britain, alike distinguished and admired for their unconquerable spirit and untainted integrity.

The sophists of every age, despising, or affecting to despise, the accidental distinctions of birth and fortune, reserve their esteem for the superior qualities of the mind, with which they themselves are so plentifully endowed.

I esteem it also a peculiar advantage, that I succeed to a sovereign whose constant regards for the rights and liberties of his subjects, and whose desire to promote the amelioration of the laws and institutions of the country, have rendered his name the object of general attachment and veneration.

I said that the tone, the manners I adopted towards her, were those of good society, and proved the great esteem I entertained for her intelligence, but in the middle of all my fine speeches, towards the eleventh or twelfth day of my courtship, she suddenly put me out of all conceit by telling me that, being a priest, I ought to know that every amorous connection was a deadly sin, that God could see every action of His creatures, and that she would neither damn her soul nor place herself under the necessity of saying to her confessor that she had so far forgotten herself as to commit such a sin with a priest.

Riviere enchanted me, but I should have esteemed myself wanting in gratitude and respect to this worthy family if I had darted at her a single amorous glance, or if I had let her suspect my feelings for her by a single word.

My esteemed colleagues of the Senate of Rome, I want to tell you a story concerning my good friend the knight Publius Servilius, who is not of the patrician branch of that great family, but shares the ancestry of the noble Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus.

Singular, communed the guest with himself, the wonderfully unequal faculty of metempsychosis possessed by them, that the puerperal dormitory and the dissecting theatre should be the seminaries of such frivolity, that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a pinch of time these votaries of levity into exemplary practitioners of an art which most men anywise eminent have esteemed the noblest.

We esteemed a lot of our own archaisms, including a freedom that Earth would probably have considered anarchical, but were we doing enough to preserve them?

A note from the baroness told Madame Aubain that as her husband had been promoted to a prefecture, they were leaving that night, and she begged her to accept the bird as a remembrance and a token of her esteem.

Lady Ava, I am beginning to believe you do not esteem my good company.

I have the honor to present his most esteemed lord, General Beshan Solan.

When the Bishop and Bruer entered with three men deemed to be solid, upstanding citizens of Rothenberg and a notary, she blended into the background, a nonentity invisible to their esteemed eyes.

Her admirable behaviour won her the esteem of all the ladies with whom she came in contact.