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Answer for the clue "Gavel banger's demand ", 5 letters:

Alternative clues for the word order

Usage examples of order.

They may opine that I have been an abettor of treason, that I have attempted to circumvent the ends of justice, and that I may have impersonated you in order to render possible your escape.

These observations arose out of a motion made by Lord Bathurst, who had been roughly handled by the mob on Friday, for an address praying that his majesty would give immediate orders for prosecuting, in the most effectual manner, the authors, abettors, and instruments of the outrages committed both in the vicinity of the houses of parliament and upon the houses and chapels of the foreign ministers.

If given the chance, she would have rejoined the Order, but for those who abjure their vows, there is never a second chance.

In fact, upon hearing that certain masters were dissecting living nymphs in order to ascertain the cause of their madness, he formally abjured his Profession of Faith and quit the Scientists.

She hurried through her ablutions and ordered a sustabar for breakfast.

Once inside the ablutions one of the interrogators pulled his underpants down around his ankles and ordered him to step out of them and bend over.

Harry, is that if the orders were lying about for all to see, with sailors being the gossips they are then the men aboard any ship in the harbour would soon be appraised of their contents.

The Alabama statute was very clear that the absentee ballots had to be notarized by the voter in order to be counted, and that procedure had been followed for years.

He publicly chastised the cardinals for absenteeism, luxury, and lascivious life, forbade them to hold or sell plural benefices, prohibited their acceptance of pensions, gifts of money, and other favors from secular sources, ordered the papal treasurer not to pay them their customary half of the revenue from benefices but to use it for the restoration of churches in Rome.

Matter, then, thus brought to order must lose its own nature in the supreme degree unless its baseness is an accidental: if it is base in the sense of being Baseness the Absolute, it could never participate in order, and, if evil in the sense of being Evil the Absolute, it could never participate in good.

Kosmos into a flatland interlocking order of holistic elements, with the embarrassed subject dangling over the flatland holistic world with absolutely no idea how it got there.

In order to produce this effect, the carbonate must be absorbed by the glands.

The siege on Glenn Abies is just one phase of a series of strategic federal assassinations, beginning with the murder of Order founder Robert Matthews and including the recent massacre at Waco.

By all accounts, the Newlands disliked Glenn Abies but had undertaken the journey north in order to visit Marjorie and the children, whom they had not seen in over four years.

If, in adopting the Constitution, nothing was done but acceding to a compact, nothing would seem necessary, in order to break it up, but to secede from the same compact.