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Answer for the clue "Not divided ", 3 letters:

Alternative clues for the word one

Usage examples of one.

For every hundred useless aberrations there may be one that is useful, that provides its bearer an advantage over its kin.

No one could doubt that Philip Augustus would abet his vassal, the Countess of Poitou, in dispositions so well calculated to thwart the Angevin.

Even the Templars and the Hospitallers were divided, and the Italian merchant princes abetted one faction or the other as their own interests decreed.

Poitou, one Geraud Berlai, whom he charged Louis with abetting in depredations against him on the marches of Anjou.

The conflict, grown beyond the scope of original plans, had become nothing less than a fratricidal war between the young king and the Count of Poitou for the succession to the Angevin empire, a ghastly struggle in which Henry was obliged to take a living share, abetting first one and then the other of his furious sons.

Then the witch with her abhominable science, began to conjure and to make her Ceremonies, to turne the heart of the Baker to his wife, but all was in vaine, wherefore considering on the one side that she could not bring her purpose to passe, and on the other side the losse of her gaine, she ran hastily to the Baker, threatning to send an evill spirit to kill him, by meane of her conjurations.

But I have bethought me, that, since I am growing old and past the age of getting children, one of you, my sons, must abide at home to cherish me and your mother, and to lead our carles in war if trouble falleth upon us.

Yet I know that thou wilt abide here till some one else come, whether that be early or late.

But now hold up thine heart, and keep close for these two days that we shall yet abide in Tower Dale: and trust me this very evening I shall begin to set tidings going that shall work and grow, and shall one day rejoice thine heart.

I made for thee, and one also for me, while I was abiding thee after the battle, and my love and my hope is woven into it.

As he helped the woman to the stage Abie realized they all knew he would choose one of them as a partner.

The Yuuzhan Vong must be replacing the abiotic drainage systems with biotic ones.

Yuuzhan Vong must be replacing the abiotic drainage systems with biotic ones.

Notary take care to set it down that the said abjuration was made by one gravely suspected of heresy, so that if she should be proved to have relapsed, she should then be judged accordingly and delivered up to the secular Court.

But it must be understood that this refers to one who had made her abjuration as one manifestly taken in heresy, or as one strongly suspected of heresy, and not to one who has so done as being under only a light suspicion.