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Médéa , population 123,535 (1998 census) is the capital city of Médéa Province , Algeria . It is located roughly 83 km south of Algiers . The present-day city is situated on the site of an ancient Roman military post and has a history dating back to the ...

Usage examples of medea.

Therese, dressed in black and seated between her children at that black table, reminded me of Medea.

But Aunt Medea was as far from being deceived by this mock reconciliation as the clearsighted Blanche.

He called to his brother who was nearby, and the two young Colchians agreed that they were hearing the voices of their young Aunt Medea and her maid.

The other buildings the handmaidens had, and the two daughters of Aeetes, Chalciope and Medea.

Medea twelve Phaeacian handmaids from the palace, to bear her company.

And still the altars which Medea built on the spot sacred to Apollo, god of shepherds, receive yearly sacrifices in honour of the Fates and the Nymphs.

When Martial left the room, Aunt Medea at once opened the communicating door and entered the blue salon, thus avowing that she had been a listener.

We of Medea have reason to be grateful to you but I've never actually been in one," Theoda was talking nervously, her eyes restlessly searching over the supplies in the galley cupboards, rearranging containers to see the back of the shelves.

Whoso that wole his large volume seke Cleped the Seintes Legende of Cupide, Ther may he seen the large woundes wyde Of Lucresse, and of Babilan Tesbee, The swerd of Dido for the false Enee, The tree of Phillis for hir Demophon, The pleinte of Dianire and Hermyon, Of Adriane and of Isiphilee, The bareyne yle stondynge in the see, The dreynte Leandre for his Erro, The teeris of Eleyne, and eek the wo Of Brixseyde, and of the, Ladomea, The crueltee of the, queene Medea, Thy litel children hangyng by the hals For thy Jason, that was in love so fals.

When thy son shall come to the Elysian plain, he whom now in the home of Cheiron the Centaur water-nymphs are tending, though he still craves thy mother milk, it is fated that he be the husband of Medea, Aeetes' daughter.

Medea had been decimated in the course of a week and the survivors, both the ones hardy enough to endure the intense fever and pain, and those who were curiously immune, spent their years trying to discover source or cause, cure or vaccine.

On their route back to Hellas, Medea and Jason stopped at Aeaea, the isle of the enchantress Circe, who was Medea's aunt and sister to King Aeëtes.