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Answer for the clue "In the ___ of (amongst) ", 5 letters:

Alternative clues for the word midst

Word definitions for midst in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
alt. (context often literary English) A place in the middle of something; ''may be used of a literal or metaphorical location''. n. (context often literary English) A place in the middle of something; ''may be used of a literal or metaphorical location''. ...

Usage examples of midst.

His horse troops were affrighted and dispersed by balls of fire which flew into their midst, trailing sparks and whistling and banging.

This nature, positive in the midst of its enthusiasms, that had loved the church for the sake of the flowers, and music for the words of the songs, and literature for its passional stimulus, rebelled against the mysteries of faith as it grew irritated by discipline, a thing antipathetic to her constitution.

Burke will always be read with delight and edification, because in the midst of discussions on the local and the accidental, he scatters apophthegms that take us into the regions of lasting wisdom.

South stretched the wide expanse of the valley, with the broad Turnbull flashing in the midst and sweeping away to the west in lazy curves quite different from the arrowy little stream which he knew near the cave and through his own territory.

They my-loved and my-deared each other assiduously, but kept apart generally, whereas Sir Pitt, in the midst of his multiplied avocations, found daily time to see his sister-in-law.

Bright, who had preceded us and stood in the midst like a General of Division, ordering autocratically and issuing commands for fresh supplies, as if he was going to banquet the southern district en musse.

In the midst of all the litter de Batz at last became conscious of two people who stood staring at him and at Heron.

There are those in my own clans who have dared almost to defy me completely because there is a Bedlam now living in the midst of my kingdom.

Vivian was probably sorry as well, for she had a slightly confused and preoccupied look--a look from which, even in the midst of his chagrin, Bernard extracted some entertainment.

Exactly, my dear sir, as the radio for ten minutes together projects the most lovely music without regard into the most impossible places, into respectable drawing rooms and attics and into the midst of chattering, guzzling, yawning and sleeping listeners, and exactly as it strips this music of its sensuous beauty, spoils and scratches and beslimes it and yet cannot altogether destroy its spirit, just so does life, the so-called reality, deal with the sublime picture-play of the world and make a hurley-burley of it.

Tatooine and Hoth and Bespin through his mind, he strode into the midst of the fight, the blue-white blade spattering bolts of enemy fire and shattering across the weapons themselves.

His rifle work was a revelation of genius--like the work of a prodigious young pianist or billiardist in the midst of mere natural excellence.

The bilobed leaf, with the midrib likewise tipped with a bristle, stands in the midst of these projections, and is evidently defended by them.

One day in the midst of a good Act of Contrition, Father Blau officiating with pious malice, I leaped from the box and sprinted down the aisle, never to return.

Troy felt like a tiny piece of flotsam in the midst of a hurricane as he looked out the opening door that led to the bottomless pit of space.