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Alternative clues for the word mali

Usage examples of mali.

Ibn Battuta had come here after travels in Arabia and India and China, and written admiringly of the kingdom of Mali.

What Heinrich Barth could find in the Western Sudan a hundred years ago would not have greatly differed in its social life and limits from the Mali of Ibn Battuta, five hundred years before.

Bonum, malum, qui fecisti Mali imploramus te, Salve fratrem, causa Christi, Miserere Domine!

This was the way to Gao and to Bamako, the capital of landlocked Mali.

Tum crebris diurnis nocturnisque eruptionibus aut aggeri ignem inferebant aut milites occupatos in opere adoriebantur, et nostrarum turrium altitudinem, quantum has cotidianus agger expresserat, commissis suarum turrium malis adaequabant, et apertos cuniculos praeusta et praeacuta materia et pice fervefacta et maximi ponderis saxis morabantur moenibusque appropinquare prohibebant.

The one exception is the remarkable mythology surrounding the star Sirius mat is held by the Dogon people of the Republic of Mali.

But their eminence dates from Mandingo supremacy and its empire of Mali.

Africa without Egypt was written some time later, the writer was in a position to found his chapter on Mali from information gathered by men who had seen the Mandingo monarch on his way to Mecca.

Islamic historians have recorded stories of voyages west from Mali in West Africa around 1311, during the reign of Mansa Bakari II.

Mali, however, nodded and gave the beaverish individual a sum of metal money from her purse, and then she and Joe stepped from the taxi onto the sidewalk.

Illa tamen bimanus custodit machina portam, Stricta, paratque malis plagam non amplius unam.

It drew a huge, double-edged sword and continued its flight up the trail, dragging Mali with it.

The e-voting encryption methods used on Mali and Vishnu, which allowed people to vote via the datanet, had been deemed insufficiently secure by Jefferson's founders, even though Kafari could have written the psychotronic safeguards into such a system in her sleep.

Rick, another young American in Kratie, was a geologist who came to Cambodia after three years of Peace Corps experience in a village in Mali, one of the hardest and loneliest countries in West Africa for expats to work in.

It was only later, after the economic facts of life had forced several ex-colonial countries to federate into groups sharing a common European language - such as Mali, Dahomey and Upper Volta into DahoMalia, and Ghana and Nigeria into RUNG - that they became aware of a curious phenomenon.