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Answer for the clue "Opposite of -ful ", 4 letters:

Alternative clues for the word less

Usage examples of less.

The conflict, grown beyond the scope of original plans, had become nothing less than a fratricidal war between the young king and the Count of Poitou for the succession to the Angevin empire, a ghastly struggle in which Henry was obliged to take a living share, abetting first one and then the other of his furious sons.

Either come down to us into the meadow yonder, that we may slay you with less labour, or else, which will be the better for you, give up to us the Upmeads thralls who be with you, and then turn your faces and go back to your houses, and abide there till we come and pull you out of them, which may be some while yet.

The scene I cannot describe--I should faint if I tried it, for there is madness in a room full of classified charnel things, with blood and lesser human debris almost ankle-deep on the slimy floor, and with hideous reptilian abnormalities sprouting, bubbling, and baking over a winking bluish-green spectre of dim flame in a far corner of black shadows.

In physique he closely resembled the Aliansa, being tall and robust and with a face less humanoid than the aborigines of the Mire and Mountain.

He was less concerned with looking good than with avoiding the kind of spectacular abseiling that might put an extra load on the anchor and himself in the morgue.

For ourselves, while whatever in us belongs to the body of the All should be yielded to its action, we ought to make sure that we submit only within limits, realizing that the entire man is not thus bound to it: intelligent servitors yield a part of themselves to their masters but in part retain their personality, and are thus less absolutely at beck and call, as not being slaves, not utterly chattels.

The room was abuzz with lesser courtiers trying to take their first step on the long and slippery ladder to preferment and office.

When the drives are accelerating the whole thing at fourteen gee, the capsule is held a little less than fifty meters from the disk.

As our most powerful particle accelerators can reach energies only on the order of a thousand times the proton mass, less than a millionth of a billionth of the Planck energy, we are very far from being able to search in the laboratory for any of these new particles predicted by string theory.

When the lead in the assay has been separated as sulphate and dissolved in sodic acetate, less chromate is apparently required, and in this case it will be necessary to precipitate the lead in the standard with an equivalent of sodic sulphate and redissolve in sodic acetate just as in the assay.

The determination is rendered sharper and less liable to error by the addition of a few drops of acetic acid to convert the chromate into bichromate.

He had known almost from the time he left her that he would never truly be able to forget Holly, and after less than six months away from her he had ached so intensely for her that he had often woken up in the night with his face wet with tears and the echoes of her name still resounding through his mind as he called despairingly for her.

Which implies, I hope, that what we need is more citizen activation and less government efforts at achieving their objectives for them.

The reduction of the kingdom of Osrhoene was an acquisition of less splendor indeed, but of a far more solid advantage.

Phocas does not appear less hateful in the exercise than in the acquisition of power.