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Alternative clues for the word infect

Word definitions for infect in dictionaries

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
verb COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES be infected with a virus ▪ Thousands of people may already be infected with the virus. COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ ADVERB already ▪ The motivation of the already infected is altruism, the desire not to infect others. ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Infect \In*fect"\, a. [L. infectus: cf. F. infect. See Infect , v. t.] Infected. Cf. Enfect . [Obs.] --Shak.

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
v. communicate a disease to; "Your children have infected you with this head cold" contaminate with a disease or microorganism [syn: taint ] [ant: disinfect ] contaminate with ideas or an ideology; "society was infected by racism" affect in a contagious ...

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
late 14c., from Latin infectus , past participle of inficere "to spoil, stain," literally "to put in to, dip into," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + facere "perform" (see factitious ). Related: Infected ; infecting .

Usage examples of infect.

She stated the only reason she went to the doctor was due to the abrasions on her knee getting infected.

And who cared about werewolves infecting the unwary so long as you could get a good manicure or acupuncture treatment?

Ganges to the Straits of Gibraltar, that they had no leisure for theological controversy: and though the Alcoran, the original monument of their faith, seems to contain some violent precepts, they were much less infected with the spirit of bigotry and persecution than the indolent and speculative Greeks, who were continually refining on the several articles of their religious system.

We are doing everything in our power to preserve the safety of domestic bees in apiaries in the infected areas.

Unlike Ebola, though, there have been reports of airborne transmission of two of the arenaviruses, so wearing protective clothing, especially an N95 respirator mask, is essential when around infected patients or patients suspected of having the infection.

Keeping pants tucked into socks, taking Atabrine tablets at mealtime, and spraying the island with DDT were all measures taken to help prevent the troops from getting infected.

This, as with barbiturates, is extremely dangerous when taken, if the user is infected or impaired.

The dye from his stocking infected the scratch and, bedad, his leg had to be sawed off.

Their whole life is bemired with vice, and their mouth articulates no other words than prudence and virtue, like those corrupt and infected doctors who have no indulgence for their patients.

Yet I shall not easily be persuaded, that it was the common practice of the Vandals to extirpate the olives, and other fruit trees, of a country where they intended to settle: nor can I believe that it was a usual stratagem to slaughter great numbers of their prisoners before the walls of a besieged city, for the sole purpose of infecting the air, and producing a pestilence, of which they themselves must have been the first victims.

Worlag ichor had infected the wound, and the biceps were twice the size they should be.

Worms, viruses, and Trojan horses would be their gifts to Grandmother, and they would leave explosive blocks, borers, and scramblers to infect the remaining data.

Every one suddenly appeared extremely busy, and kept as far from Boule de Suif as if tier skirts had been infected with some deadly disease.

I would say I had ringworm and Doctor Byk would not let me come in case I infected the other boys.

Bald and infected, quiet and cachectic, he was getting his life in order.