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Word definitions for implicit in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
a. 1 implied indirectly, without being directly expressed 2 contained in the essential nature of something but not openly shown 3 Having no reservations or doubts; unquestioning or unconditional; usually said of faith or trust. 4 (context obsolete English) ...

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1590s, from Middle French implicite and directly from Latin implicitus , later variant of implicatus , past participle of implicare (see implication ).

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ NOUN assumption ▪ The second aspect seems even more important: it warns against false generalisations and implicit assumptions . ▪ We begin interactions with an implicit assumption that other people determine and control ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Implicit \Im*plic"it\, a. [L. implicitus, p. p. of implicare to entwine, entangle, attach closely: cf. F. implicite. See Implicate .] Infolded; entangled; complicated; involved. [Obs.] --Milton. In his woolly fleece I cling implicit. --Pope. Tacitly comprised; ...

Usage examples of implicit.

Francesca, superb in a gown of sea-green silk, drew all eyes, not just because of her lush curves but more so because of the radiant happiness glowing in her eyes, coloring her voice, implicit in her every gesture.

He must get on without any attempt to point out the morality of his work, which remains implicit altho it ought to be obvious.

Each of the 4 beats in a bar has an implicit intensity: beat 1 is the strongest, beat 3 is the next strongest and beats 2 and 4 are the weakest and similar to each other.

The worshipper of Brahma also has implicit Faith in what seems to us palpably false and absurd.

For instance, in the view of some critics, literary realism carries with it an implicit validation of conservative social structures: for others, the formal and metrical intricacies of the sonnet and the iambic pentameter are a counterpart of social stability, decorum, and order.

The Florida Supreme Court thus followed the advice implicit in the unanimous per curiam opinion: It applied the Florida legislative standard without trying to narrow it further so as to eliminate any possible equal-protection concerns.

General Denbigh had indulged his younger son too blindly and too fondly to expect that implicit obedience the admiral calculated to a certainty on, and with every prospect of not being disappointed, from his daughter.

The theory of massive resistance called for overwhelming white opposition to desegregation and carried the implicit threat of riots or other violent opposition if integration was forced by federal authorities.

When the motion was made for an address of thanks, couched in terms that savoured of the most implicit complaisance, approbation, and acquiescence in the measures which the crown had taken, the earl of Egmont, and some other anti-courtiers, affirmed, that such an address would be equally servile and absurd.

Comparing this simple cross with the reality of the hypercube which casts the shadow, we contemplate that our world is perhaps a pallid shadow of a higher reality, an implicit mystical message.

Papas sound of an era already history, Mark was drawn to the Douglas touch-dark humor, darker twists-even as the Nietzschean fury implicit in the music repelled him.

So, when we marched into the rice paddies on that damp March afternoon, we carried, along with our packs and rifles, the implicit convictions that the Viet Cong would be quickly beaten and that we were doing something altogether noble and good.

The ignorance of the Lombards in the state of Paganism or Christianity gave implicit credit to the malice and mischief of witchcraft, but the judges of the seventeenth century might have been instructed and confounded by the wisdom of Rotharis, who derides the absurd superstition, and protects the wretched victims of popular or judicial cruelty.

The devout polytheist, though fondly attached to his national rites, admitted with implicit faith the different religions of the earth.

It is, he that so swears, swears upon an implicit faith: for one reason against the articles of the prelates was, that they forced us to swear to the homilies that shall be set out.