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Answer for the clue "Irresistible filling of tenth piece of cake ", 8 letters:

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Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
That entices; allure; attracting; charming. n. enticement; temptation v (present participle of entice English)

Usage examples of enticing.

Delightful as it was to stroll the gardens of Paris, enticing as were science and the arts, he, John Adams, had work to do, a public trust to uphold.

I allowed myself a moment to savor her unaccustomed elegance and realized she was enticing the knot of eager and noble youth around her to wager on the fall of a delicate set of applewood runes, tucking silver and gold coin discreetly into the little velvet bag on a ribbon at her waist.

We begin with Spanish olives, then a borshch, then more olives and a bird of some kind, and a rather enticing Rhenish wine, not at all expensive as wines go in this country, but still quite laudable in its way.

They addressed a joint session of Congress, had ticker-tape parades, were sent to seven foreign countries as ambassadors and counterthrusts to Yuri Gagarin and his cosmonauts, and were offered free automobiles and enticing real estate deals.

She had already lost her head-rail and wimple in the dunking, and the rest of her garments molded her body with enticing promise.

Now and then, as Peri passed them, she heard a brief mention of magic, of wizardry, followed by a sudden silence, as if they were all envisioning, over their beers, the wondrous, powerful mage whom Enin and Tull were at that very moment enticing out of the city.

Connecticut Republican, Jim Campbell, did step to the plate to primary the pantywaist, offering Nutmeggers the enticing prospect of voting for someone who not only would represent Republicans but also would represent the district, rather than representing the New York Times.

The pile of rock was thick with small tight clumps of poisonberry whose plump purple berries had been dropping into the water and cooking there for uncounted years, turning the water into a thick soup that sent up sweet enticing odors which had trapped many of the mistland creatures.

Nathan rubbed his eyes to try and recapture the steamier version of the water nymph, but she continued to glower at him while keeping those enticing breasts firmly under water.

German merchant ships that would sashay around neutral waters in a trollopy way enticing allied warships to get too close then flipping back their sides to reveal dangerous guns.

Without straining, she could see piebald melons, yellow, green, black, sheltering along their mother vines, round, ready, enticing.

Celine was taken on a barge tour through the canals, a brisk view of the Dam Palace and the Dam Square, lunch in the Bijenkorf store, so that they could have a quick look round its enticing wares, a glimpse of the Beginjnhof, a group of charming almshouses tucked away behind Kalverstraat, and an even briefer glimpse of the Rijksmuseum, but only from the outside.

Nevertheless, tonight her couturiers had executed a work of consummate skill and creativity, transforming her into one of the most noticeable and enticing women in the Inner City.

Never in her life had Kady seen anything as enticing as the view 28 L E G E N D of hcr Own apartment.

But I had not seen the end of the adventure, for the next morning, when she brought my coffee, her pretty, enticing manners allured me to bestow a few loving caresses upon her, and if she did not abandon herself entirely, it was only, as she said, because she was afraid of some surprise.