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Answer for the clue "Break from doing something ", 7 letters:

Alternative clues for the word respite

Word definitions for respite in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
mid-13c., from Old French respit "delay, respect" (Modern French répit ), from Latin respectus "consideration, recourse, regard" (see respect (n.)).

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
A respite is a delay in the imposition of sentence but in no way modifies a sentence or addresses questions of due process , guilt or innocence.

Usage examples of respite.

The People of Haleth dwelt yet in watchful peace in the Forest of Brethil, and behind their guard the Kingdom of Nargothrond had respite, and mustered its strength.

John was likely to do, but the fact remains that poor Margari on this occasion got no respite from his labours.

I still sat upon the bed, holding in my hand the moly that had given me respite from the curse, wondering how much longer the respite might last.

Piso did his best at first to embarrass him by legal obstructionism, but when Germanicus kept his patience and continued the hearing of the cases without any respite for meals or siestas, he gave up that policy and excused himself from attendance altogether on the grounds of ill-health.

Tarpy to Patrel as the Warrows slogged through the snow, now calf-deep, leading the ponies and giving the animals a respite.

Then the pressoreceptor reflex, a sympathetic reflex triggered by diminished arterial pressure, cut in, and in89 90LarrV Niven and Steven Barnes creased the efficacy of the unaffected heart muscle, giving Stonecypher respite from the immediate agony.

The leisurely lectures in the Dayroom and the practical work of field- and detail-stripping and assembling the various pieces on the chilly porches with the sound of rain outside were things he liked, and since they were conducted by a single officer or noncom for the Company as a whole, they gave him respite from the vengeful eye of Old Ike Galovitch who seemed bent on protecting the honour of the Great God Holmes, ever since he first found out that Prew had refused to fight.

Below as well as aloft, the reinvigorated crew was making final preparations for departure, as much rejuvenated by the respite from sailing and rough weather as was their ship.

Unless we take all this into consideration, unless we use the present moment to our common interest, it may happen that the Germans, after having a respite, which will enable them to remuster their forces, may once more recover their strength.

Assailed without respite, Scapula gathered his legions as a hen gathers her chicks and retreated step by bloodied step towards the safety of the fortress at Camulodunum.

If the men looked for respite as they sailed down the north shore of the Isle of Sheppey, past all those settled and silent ships of the line, they were disappointed.

A rotation system had been worked out to give her crew respite from the smell of animal dung and endless transing in space.

The coolness of early morning had been the only respite, and as the day grew hotter and more sultry, it was necessary to remain alert lest an uncautious moment destroy the best of plans.

She was trying to visualise that which Chauvelin had put before her: a man harassed day and night, unceasingly, unremittingly, with one question allowed neither respite nor sleep--his brain, soul, and body fagged out at every hour, every moment of the day and night, until mind and body and soul must inevitably give way under anguish ten thousand times more unendurable than any physical torment invented by monsters in barbaric times.

I was sick of life before my crystallization, and even Vist in his wisdom could not provide more than a temporary respite from weariness.