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Word definitions for ordinance in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
c.1300, "an authoritative direction, decree, or command" (narrower or more transitory than a law ), from Old French ordenance (Modern French ordonnance ) or directly from Medieval Latin ordinantia , from Latin ordinantem (nominative ordinans ), present ...

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
noun COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ NOUN city ▪ She added that the city ordinance could be preempted by state gun laws. ▪ To comply with a city ordinance that barred the sale of the books, the tomes were buried in a city landfill. ▪ It is against State law ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ordinance \Or"di*nance\, n. [OE. ordenance, OF. ordenance, F. ordonnance. See Ordain , and cf. Ordnance , Ordonnance .] Orderly arrangement; preparation; provision. [Obs.] --Spenser. They had made their ordinance Of victual, and of other purveyance. --Chaucer. ...

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
In a United Kingdom universities , an ordinance is detailed legislation that translates the broad principles of the university's charter and statutes. All UK universities created before 1992 are established by Royal Charter . Under their charters, they ...

Usage examples of ordinance.

The latter privilege was deemed to have been abridged by city officials who acted in pursuance of a void ordinance which authorized a director of safety to refuse permits for parades or assemblies on streets or parks whenever he believed riots could thereby be avoided and who forcibly evicted from their city union organizers who sought to use the streets and parks for the aforementioned purposes.

Jersey City ordinance requiring the obtaining of a permit for a public assembly in or upon the public streets, highways, public parks, or public buildings of the city and authorizing the director of public safety, for the purpose of preventing riots, disturbances, or disorderly assemblage, to refuse to issue a permit when after investigation of all the facts and circumstances pertinent to the application he believes it to be proper to refuse to issue a permit.

But the ordinance had pretty much cleared the streets of those women who had bought cheaper busking licenses and were using them to cover their other activities.

Hence, the nature, objects, and benefits of personal and national Covenanting are exhibited in a manner fitted to attract to that ordinance the minds and hearts of men.

A similar Ordinance sequestered the restored property of emigrant families.

General Government had ample reason to believe it was about to go through the farce of enacting an ordinance of secession, when the treason was summarily stopped by the dispersion of the traitors.

The result of the election had hardly been declared when the disunion movement in the South, long threatened and carefully planned and prepared, broke out in the shape of open revolt, and nearly a month before Lincoln could be inaugurated as President of the United States seven Southern States had adopted ordinances of secession, formed an independent confederacy, framed a constitution for it, and elected Jefferson Davis its president, expecting the other slaveholding States soon to join them.

After issuing these ordinances, with others of minor importance, and after repealing martial-law in the district of Montreal, on the 5th of May the council was prorogued.

Supreme Court has struck down licensing ordinances, even in respect of a form of communication which may be prohibited entirely.

Order vvas giuen that all the ordinance throughout the towne, and vpon all the platformes, vvhich vvas aboue fifty peeces al ready charged, should be shot off in honor of the Queenes Maiesties Coronation day, being the seuententh of Nouember, after the yearly custome of England, which was so aunswered againe by the ordinance out of all the ships in the fleete which novv was come neere, as it was straunge to heare such a thondering noise last so long together.

Captaine Sampson tooke the prisoner, and willed him to shevve that he had promised, the vvhich he could not, or at least vvould not: but they searching all suspected places, found two peeces of ordinance, one of yron, an other of brasse.

They had manned them both, and planted their ordinance for that present, and sudden alarum vvithout the gate, and also some troopes of small shot in Ambuscado vpon the hievvay side.

Statutes and ordinances providing for the paving and grading of streets, the cost thereof to be assessed on the front foot rule, do not, by their failure to provide for a hearing or review of assessments, generally deprive a complaining owner of property without due process of law.

In excluding slavery north of the line, the same language is employed as in the Ordinance of 1787.

Prussians, not being strong enough to defend the town, the soldiers mutinied against their officers, whereupon a capitulation was agreed on, and the gates were opened to the French commander, who made his troops enter with a great deal of order, assured the magistrates that care should be taken to make them observe a good discipline, and published two ordinances, one for the security of the religion and commerce of the city, and the other for prohibiting the exportation of corn and forage out of that principality.