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Alternative clues for the word reclaimed

Word definitions for reclaimed in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
Having been reclaim. v (en-past of: reclaim )

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Reclaim \Re*claim"\ (r[-e]*kl[=a]m"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reclaimed (r[-e]*kl[=a]md"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reclaiming .] [F. r['e]clamer, L. reclamare, reclamatum, to cry out against; pref. re- re- + clamare to call or cry aloud. See Claim .] To call back, ...

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. delivered from danger [syn: rescued ]

Usage examples of reclaimed.

He tilled small plots of soil, reclaimed from bedrock and tenacious scrub, for the high hills of the Djenn Marre were generally inhospitable to farming.

Reclaimed rubber can be redispersed when mixed with hydrophilic colloids: glue, soap, even clay.

Now, the holding of land upon the hills gave to the Syns, as it did to other Marshmen in like case, a sense of security, for the reclaimed pasturage of Romney Marsh owed its existence to the Dymchurch Wall, which held the sea in check.

The parts of Mauritania which border on the Great Desert and the Atlantic Ocean, were filled with a fierce and untractable race of men, whose savage temper had been exasperated, rather than reclaimed, by their dread of the Roman arms.

Marvell gave me a hard look before his versifying reclaimed his attention.

These gifts or their equivalent were reclaimed by the thane when the villein died, but normally awarded again to his heir to renew the bargain.

The acreage in front of the plant still held a few of the fences and posts from the animal pens that had subdivided the area long ago but mostly the field had been reclaimed by the Kansas prairie of mid-high grass, sedge, bluestem, and buffalo grass.

He began by blacking and polishing boots for cavalla officers, who seldom wore them anymore, for our former foes were the victors and there were no more battles in which honor might be reclaimed.

The serving boy reclaimed the mugs and the coin that rested beside them.

For Eliste and Zeralenn, there was a small package of books once left by an indifferent scholar in exchange for cream puffs, and never reclaimed.

After tuning the lutar, and spending more time scrawling out adaptations of mirror spells, Anna reclaimed the lutar, glanced in the reflecting pool, then began the spell.

One was at Steyning, five miles inland to the west of Brighton, and Harold had revoked this gift and reclaimed the land for the crown.

By 1894, Univ had reclaimed Shelley, in the form of a beautiful marble statue of the dead poet, who drowned off the coast of Italy in his late twenties.

From the battered speedboat, the police had reclaimed the wealth which Wheels Bryant had sought to gain from the wreckage of the schemes which The Shadow had frustrated.

Daily life on the Ark, however had the Noahs borne it, that yearlong drift in searching circles afloat above their ruined world as the lambs and goats and she-bears and tigers and workhorses and owls and swans and geese among them contended for the best cabin and a preeminent chair upon the deck, all the while scanning the lowering skies, bent against the gales, complaining of the rain, glossed by lightning snaps, watching the far horizon for the first hint of land, for the greening crest of the highest hilltop to appear which they recognized at once and reclaimed as their own.