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Word definitions for likewise in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
mid-15c., from the phrase in like wise "in the same manner" (mid-15c.), from like (adj.) + wise (n.).

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adv. in like or similar manner; "He was similarly affected"; "some people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil"- Samuel Johnson [syn: similarly ] in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too" [syn: besides , too , also ...

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
adverb COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ VERB do ▪ One person decides to wear a baseball cap back to front, and then others do likewise without bothering to ask why. ▪ She put on a shawl and told Denver and Beloved to do likewise . ▪ He encouraged neighbors to ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Likewise \Like"wise`\ (l[imac]k"w[imac]z`), adv. & conj. [See Wise , n.] In like manner; also; moreover; too. See Also . Go, and do thou likewise. --Luke x. 37. For he seeth that wise men die; likewise the fool and the brutish person perish. --Ps. xlix. ...

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Likewise is an album by Stone House, a collective trio consisting of Luther Gray on drums, Joe Morris on bass and Rob Brown on alto saxophone and flute. It was recorded in 2003 and released on Morris' Riti label. They played seven totally improvised pieces ...

Usage examples of likewise.

Men and women bright enough to run a particle accelerator the size of a small planet likewise had to be at least somewhat aware that they were being manipulated, even as they let it happen.

I had likewise occasion to become acquainted at the Venetian Embassy with a lady from Venice, the widow of an English baronet named Wynne.

I wrote to him and to the friars, and immediately set out, as I told him, almost alone, because all the people were with the Adelantado, and likewise in order to prevent suspicion on his part.

With a similar design, to admonish kings that they are strong only in the strength of their subjects, the same Indians invented the game of chess, which was likewise introduced into Persia under the reign of Nushirvan.

Likewise, a rebate is offered if the advertiser contracts for 12 issues and actually runs advertisements in 14 issues.

A similar result followed from an immersion of only 15 minutes in a solution of one part of carbonate of ammonia to 218 of water, and the adjoining cells of the tentacles, on which the papillae were seated, now likewise contained aggregated masses of protoplasm.

Raw meat is too powerful a stimulant, and even small bits generally injure, and sometimes kill, the leaves to which they are given: the aggregated masses of protoplasm become dingy or almost colourless, and present an unusual granular appearance, as is likewise the case with leaves which have been immersed in a very strong solution of carbonate of ammonia.

The landed interest, likewise, was against this measure: agriculturists wishing rather to see the duty on malt than beer repealed.

In perfecting this alterative compound, and likewise other standard preparations of medicine, we have made an outlay of many thousand dollars for chemical apparatus, and special machinery by the aid of which these remedies have been brought to their present perfection.

Likewise, the Swords gradually disappeared, one by one, until finally, the last of the mythical blades slipped mysteriously into the annals of history, three thousand years ago.

The exhaustive overview by Gustave Reese had been on the shelf, likewise the study of Gregorian Chant by Willi Apel, but little else.

He then recounted to Arabin once more how he had been chased by men with coffins, and likewise how effectually he had done up one of his pursuers.

Sarah sports an asterisk likewise, which means that I have no idea whose bottom is so well plugged in that picture.

On a night the great priest appeared unto me, presenting his lap full of treasure, and when I demanded what it signified, he answered, that it was sent me from the countrey of Thessaly, and that a servant of mine named Candidus was arived likewise : when I was awake, I mused in my selfe what this vision should pretend, considering I had never any servant called by that name : but what soever it did signifie, this I verely thought, that it was a foreshew of gaine and prosperous chance : while I was thus astonied I went to the temple, and taried there till the opening of the gates, then I went in and began to pray before the face of the goddesse, the Priest prepared and set the divine things of every Altar, and pulled out the fountaine and holy vessell with solempne supplication.

It may be observed, that, in this instance likewise, the situation of the first Christians coincided very happily with their religious scruples, and that their aversion to an active life contributed rather to excuse them from the service, than to exclude them from the honors, of the state and army.