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Alternative clues for the word naval

Word definitions for naval in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
early 15c., from Old French naval (14c.) and directly from Latin navalis "pertaining to a ship or ships," from navis "ship," from PIE *nau- (2) "boat" (cognates: Sanskrit nauh , accusative navam "ship, boat;" Armenian nav "ship;" Greek naus "ship," nautes ...

Usage examples of naval.

With the acquisition of a superfluous waste of fertile soil, the conquerors obtained the command of a naval force, sufficient to transport their armies to the coast of Asia.

Finally, after having remarked that times of tranquillity were the proper seasons for lessening the national debt, and strengthening the kingdom against future events, he recommended to the commons the improvement of the public revenue, the maintenance of a considerable naval force, the advancement of commerce, and the cultivation of the arts of peace.

Heinlein was not unknown to me when he appeared in the offices of the Aeronautical Materials Laboratory of the Naval Aircraft Factory in Philadelphia in early 1942.

What time is that naval lieutenant coming to look over the Prescott aeroplane, Peggy?

Roy under a cloud of suspicion, it would have worked to his discredit with the naval authorities, and might have resulted in our aeroplane being denied a place in the trials.

In his imagination he saw the Prescott aeroplane eliminated as a naval possibility, and the field clear for the selection of the Mortlake machine.

January nineteenth, 1991, during the Persian Gulf War, I believe an Iraqi aircraft penetrated our defenses and sprayed aflatoxin over Seabees and the Twenty-fourth Naval Mobile Construction Battalion near the port of Al Jubayl in Saudi Arabia.

Lieutenant Alameda, in submarine coveralls under a Naval Academy sweatshirt, sat at the desk near the beds.

I will need the services of that fine naval frigate anchored in the bay, and three companies of your musketeers with Colonel Schreuder here to command them.

Naval Division on their right drove the Germans out of their first two lines on the northern bank of the Ancre towards Beaucourt.

Not only was the ship clearly visible to the forces at El Arish, it had been positively identified by Israeli naval headquarters.

Department of Justice arising out of strikes, subversive activities in connection with labor disputes, or labor disturbances of any kind in industrial establishments which have naval contracts, either as prime contractors or subcontractors.

Her husband, captain of a galley, had come to Corfu with her the year before, and madam had greatly astonished all the naval officers.

Were the British forces so far tied up in naval defence that Britain could not afford to reinforce her Eastern possessions if Japan attacked them?

The duty of affording fighter protection to the naval forces holding Malta should have priority over the use of the aerodromes by bombers engaged in attacking Tripoli.