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Word definitions for taint in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Taint \Taint\, n. [Cf. F. atteinte a blow, bit, stroke. See Attaint .] A thrust with a lance, which fails of its intended effect. This taint he followed with his sword drawn from a silver sheath. --Chapman. An injury done to a lance in an encounter, without ...

Usage examples of taint.

Shadamehr had been wounded in the palace, the elf thought that he could at last explain the cause of the Void taint that afflicted both Alise and Shadamehr.

His helmet was of old rusty iron, but the vizor was brass, which, tainted by his breath, corrupted into copperas, nor wanted gall from the same fountain, so that, whenever provoked by anger or labour, an atramentous quality, of most malignant nature, was seen to distil from his lips.

The wind had dropped and the night air was tainted somewhat with the smell of the burning street lamps, but it was still cool and luxurious after the dank staleness that had pervaded the cellarage and which still clung to his clothes.

I was glad to see that I should have comfortable quarters, but I was annoyed by a very unpleasant stink which tainted the air, and which could certainly not be agreeable to the spirits I had to evoke.

Impure blood, inherited scrofulous taints, enfeebled circulation, debility, either general or nervous, are all advance agents, inviting catarrhal disease, and preventing rapid recovery from an acute attack, so that a low grade of Chronic Catarrh is generally the sequence.

If it has been done in selfseeking, as, exceptis excipiendis, by Leonardo, Titian, Michael Angelo, and Raffaelle, it will in due course lose hold and power in proportion to the insincerity with which it was tainted.

Affairs at Amalgamated Export and Planet Aircraft, with the deaths of such key men as Craig Upman and Roy Fayle, were proof enough to The Shadow that the Wasp intended other action with certain companies that had suffered from his taint.

The blubber, cut in parallel slices of two feet and a half in thickness, then divided into pieces which might weigh about a thousand pounds each, was melted down in large earthen pots brought to the spot, for they did not wish to taint the environs of Granite House, and in this fusion it lost nearly a third of its weight.

Pure enough to breathe, but slightly tainted with an unfamiliar smell, she thought as she stepped out of the Fiver and onto the thick grassoid surface covering.

Eric joined the stream of humanity descending the steps into the subway, whistling a Bach gigue to purge his brain of any remaining taint of irritation with Professor Levoisier.

The verses which now filled his head had no taint of sanctity, but were the snatches of wandering goliards, to whom women and wine were the sum of life.

The system of Apollinaris was strenuously encountered by the Asiatic and Syrian divines whose schools are honored by the names of Basil, Gregory and Chrysostom, and tainted by those of Diodorus, Theodore, and Nestorius.

Possibly the quaint lines which nurses have long been given to repeat for the amusement of babies while fondling their infantine fingers bear a hidden meaning which pointedly imports the scrofulous taint.

I said, I believed part of the reason Don Julio took me in as family was because he also bore a blood taint.

Galactic societies frown on derogatory kibitzing, because of the totalitarian taint clinging to even such a modified form of spying.