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Alternative clues for the word atomic

Word definitions for atomic in dictionaries

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. of or relating to or comprising atoms; "atomic structure"; "atomic hydrogen" (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs" [syn: nuclear ] [ant: conventional ] immeasurably ...

Usage examples of atomic.

Cut to Agar, inventor of the atomic napalm, holding Mara Corday on a hill above the burning city and the charring monster.

All the other customers had been thrown hundreds of yards away in every direction, and the merchandise had exploded into its component ions, except for the alembic, which sat in the center of the circle shining like an atomic pile.

But out there, the ships were real, capable of annihilating Corrin in yet another atomic attack, once they passed the Bridge and killed all the hostages aboard.

In the rear of the ashram, he felt as if he had just discovered atomic energy.

Developed by the General Atomic Company in a three-year research, the 750,000-pound rocket, carrying twelve Atomicians and six well-known scientists, took off from a specially built skyport near Buffalo, at noon, September 10, and landed on the moon, 250,000 miles distant, at 1 p.

Atomic Bomb, who had succeeded the Bogger Man as a means of frightening children, one of the younger calves bawled.

At mention of Atomic Bomb, who had succeeded the Bogger Man as a means of frightening children, one of the younger calves bawled.

Rather than devise a model of the atom based on theoretical ideas as Thomson had done, Rutherford intended to probe atomic structure by bombarding atoms with particles ejected from radioactive atoms.

A group of childless protectors had carved it out with solar mirrors and built into it a small life-support and controls system, a larger frozen-sleep chamber, a breeder atomic pile and generator, a dirigible ion drive, and an enormous cesium tank.

Deep in its guts it creates coherent atom beams, from a bunch of Bose-Einstein condensates hovering on the edge of absolute zero: by superimposing interference patterns on them, it generates an atomic hologram, building a perfect replica of some original artifact, right down to the atomic level there are no clunky moving nanotechnology parts to break or overheat or mutate.

New detergent scouring compounds containing phosphorus have the property of collecting and holding rare Earth elements, which are among the most abundant fission products resulting from an atomic blast.

For a moment, he considered telling them how he had devised a method of injecting lithium-6 deuteride directly into the core of an atomic bomb, making a thermonuclear reaction.

From where Diddy sat, he could see the intermittent glare of the atomic furnaces as the sky flared with a white, reflected fire.

It was translated into English, too, and had more effect on the favelas than an atomic bomb-burst.

This postulates a force-field of partly electromagnetic character, generated by gyromagnetic action within atomic nuclei near the center of the galaxy.