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Alternative clues for the word unworthy

Word definitions for unworthy in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Unworthy \Un*wor"thy\, a. Not worthy; wanting merit, value, or fitness; undeserving; worthless; unbecoming; -- often with of. -- Un*wor"thi*ly , adv. -- Un*wor"thi*ness , n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
mid-13c., unwurði , from un- (1) "not" + worthy (adj.). Similar formation in Middle Dutch onwerdich , Dutch onwaardig , Middle Low German unwerdich , Old High German unwirdig , Old Norse uverðugr . Old English had unweorðlic . Related: Unworthiness .

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
a. Not worthy; lacking value or merit; worthless.

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. lacking in value or merit; "dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy"; "unworthy of forgiveness" [ant: worthy ] morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them" ...

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
adjective EXAMPLES FROM OTHER ENTRIES ▪ Baker feels that he is unworthy to receive such a great award. EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ Furthermore, as spiritual men who now possessed a knowledge of these mysteries, they judged Paul unworthy . ▪ He feels he has lost ...

Usage examples of unworthy.

By sin man loses his ecclesiastical dignity, because thereby he becomes unworthy of those things which appertain to the exercise of the ecclesiastical dignity.

But if this Architect had not cleansed himself within the last year, an alarm would sound, alerting the guardian robots that one of the unworthy was about to defile the temple.

And I am glad that I have waited to make this attempt, for it seems to me that only of late have I come to understand and appreciate at its true value the character of her of whom I tell, and the passionate affection which was her bounteous offering to one so utterly unworthy as myself.

Prynsace the Quen of Implande, one that was your Servaunt but now beinge both a Traitor and a manifald parjured Traitor, which Heaven above doth abhorre, the erth below detest, the sun moone and starres be eschamed of, and all Creatures doo curse and ajudge unworthy of breth and life, do wish onelie to die your Penytent.

Expressed in its simplest terms, it is a demand that the practice of animal experimentation shall be investigated by the State to determine what is actually being done, and that thereafter legislation shall be had that shall place it under such supervision and restriction as shall insure differentiation between scientific investigation performed for wise and adequate ends and purposes on the one hand, and on the other acts of a painful and brutal character performed from unworthy motives, with no adequate benefit possible as a resultant, and which clearly come within the classification of cruelty.

If that martinet of a Chief Commissioner could see Maigret now, he would probably have accused him of doing a job unworthy of a superintendent.

Other sovereigns had been guilty of misgovernment, others had put unworthy and grasping favorites in power, but he was the first King whom Parliament had deposed.

She said nothing, but Miss Penistone saw her hands clasp and unclasp on the arm of her chair, and at once realized that no doubt she must be afraid that so rich a prize as Sylvester might be caught by some wretchedly designing creature quite unworthy of his attention.

I am no better in my own eyes than a perjurer, unworthy of Mademoiselle de Vesian, to whom I brought a heart devoured by remorse and by a passion that nothing could extinguish.

Monk cut across him, his voice sharp with anger at Runcorn for prejudging him, at Dalgarno for being greedy, dishonest and cruel, and at Katrina for loving so passionately a man unworthy of her, or of anyone.

In my error I thought myself unworthy of presenting myself before your eyes, and, in spite of love, horror made me shudder.

It is, however, more than evident, you cannot force them, principled and united as they are, to your unworthy terms of submission.

For her sake, Saskia, you just do everything you can to prove how unworthy he is.

It proved a useful precaution, for when I read it over, twenty-four hours afterwards, I found it unworthy of me, and tore it to pieces.

Lesuperis ranting and raving in his nasal whine, clad in his peacock finery as he strutted circles around the victim of his tirade, and Valleri, so cool, so poised, taking it all with nary a word as he had done from so many others who thought him unworthy of common decency, too smart to be baited into a brawl, too proud to lose his temper.