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Word definitions for lamenting in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
n. lamentation vb. (present participle of lament English)

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lament \La*ment"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Lamented ; p. pr. & vb. n. Lamenting .] To mourn for; to bemoan; to bewail. One laughed at follies, one lamented crimes. --Dryden. Syn: To deplore; mourn; bewail. See Deplore .

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression; "lamenting sinners"; "wailing mourners"; "the wailing wind"; "wailful bagpipes"; "tangle her desires with wailful sonnets"- Shakespeare [syn: wailing , wailful ]

Usage examples of lamenting.

Soon we were hearing low lamenting brass music from every public bulding in the city.

He was greatly beloved by the humbler classes, who, days before his death, beset the chateau, praising and lamenting him.

Ian Rullock, riding with a kinsman, Gordon, heard, up and down, an angry lamenting sound.

By the haires of his beard you might mount vp to his breast, and by the rent and torne peeces of the same to his stil lamenting mouth, which groningly remained wide open and empty, by the which, prouoked by the spurre of curious desire, I went downe by diuers degrees into his throat, from thence to his stomacke, and so foorth by secret wayes, and by little and little to all the seuerall partes of his inward bowelles, Oh wonderfull conceit.

The large-bellied man who came hurrying up from the kitchens put on a humble show and professed his abject apologies to the lord, lamenting that he had been too liberal with the salt, vowing that his hand had slipped over the wine barrel.

Stephen was drawn from a chest, lamenting that his enemies had anticipated by three hours the execution of his design.

Then Psyches fell flat on the ground, and as long as she could see her husband she cast her eyes after him into the aire, weeping and lamenting pitteously : but when hee was gone out of her sight shee threw her selfe into the next running river, for the great anguish and dolour that shee was in for the lack of her husband , howbeit the water would not suffer her to be drowned, but tooke pity upon her, in the honour of Cupid which accustomed to broyle and burne the river, and threw her upon the bank amongst the herbs.

Sir Nugent, becoming momently more like an actor in a Greek tragedy, was lamenting over one boot, while Pett nursed the other, and recalling every circumstance that had led him to design such a triumph of modishness.

Rosie made a milk porridge and I tried for her sake to eat some of this stuff, but it and the tin spoon made a grey tableau before me and I heard in my mind the sobbing and lamenting of the old Merivel for the colours and brightness of things now lost.

With one eye fixed upon a heavenly and the other on an earthly treasure, he was counting up in his mind the crowns he had lost by the intrusion of Master Prout, and at the same time lamenting the depravity of men who could bear no more than a bottle of wine apiece.

Tig was getting better, though he was conscious of a weak heart and a lamenting stomach, when, to his amazement, the Sparrow ceased to visit him.

Michael Bolton rasped out a song lamenting the demise of a love affair on the airwaves of the only station that would come in.

On the contrary, Jones found him in his new lodgings, sitting melancholy by the fire, and silently lamenting the unhappy situation in which he had placed poor Nancy.

Then he points out the folly of not lamenting the loss of Cressida because she had been his in ease and felicity -- while Pandarus himself, though he thought it so light to change to and fro in love, had not done busily his might to change her that wrought him all the woe of his unprosperous suit.

In theJerusalem Post on March 28, 1965, Yadin is quoted as lamenting that only twenty-eight skeletons had been found at Masada.