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Answer for the clue "Create, make ", 7 letters:

Alternative clues for the word produce

Word definitions for produce in dictionaries

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
v. bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit" [syn: bring forth ] create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries" [syn: make , create ] cause to occur ...

Usage examples of produce.

West Virginia statute whereby that State sought to require that a preference be accorded local consumers of gas produced within the State.

It requires far more ability to build a strong moral character and a kindly feeling for others, than it does to accumulate a mountain of produce.

A great mass of it has been accumulated in the progress of mankind, and, fortunately for different wants and temperaments, it is as varied as the various minds that produced it.

A deficiency of oxygen and an accumulation of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, produce injurious effects, however, long before the asphyxiating point is attained.

The truly afflicting condition in which the remains of an army called triumphant were plunged, produced, as might well be expected, a corresponding impression on the mind of the General-in-Chief.

In 1870 the German chemists, Graebe and Liebermann, announced that they had succeeded in producing artificial alizarin,--the coloring matter of the madder root.

I realize that it is not mandatory for the government to produce a corpse to substantiate a charge of murder, but a corpse or two is not too much to ask, if they are alleging over a hundred deaths.

The eloquent allocutions addressed to the masses which Bonaparte had, as it were, invented, produced effects in those days of patriotism and miracle that were absolutely startling.

Are you willing to obtain and hand over to Delegate Efrem Sontag all information pertaining to the allomorph trait eradication and demiclone procedures developed by Galapharma for the Haluk, including details and locations of all clandestine demiclone labs that were or are now in operation, plus the total number of human-Haluk demiclones produced there?

The scoops and reactors had operated continuously for dozens of centuries, producing the hydrogen allotrope, though in recent years, it was only a token amount.

The slow facilities would have to remain on-station at the gas giant for weeks before they produced enough of the rare allotrope to make a worthwhile cargo.

They produce from one to two at a birth, which are carried about by the mother and suckled at the breast, this peculiarity being one of the anatomical details alluded to as claiming for the bats so high a place.

The last of these battles was then a recent event, it having actually been fought within the recollection of our heroine, whose notions of it, however, were so confused that she scarcely appreciated the effect her allusion might produce on her companion.

This decomposing vegetable matter within and upon the porous alluvial material produces large quantities of carbonic acid, a gas which readily enters the rain water, and gives it a peculiar power of breaking up rock matter.

Produced by Dagny, and John Bickers The Exiles By Honore de Balzac Translated by Clara Bell and James Waring ALMAE SORORI In the year 1308 few houses were yet standing on the Island formed by the alluvium and sand deposited by the Seine above the Cite, behind the Church of Notre-Dame.