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Word definitions for propose in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Propose \Pro*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Proposed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Proposing .] [F. proposer; pref. pro- (L. pro for, forward) + poser to place. See Pose , v.] To set forth. [Obs.] That being proposed brimfull of wine, one scarce could lift it up. --Chapman. ...

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
n. (context obsolete English) An objective or aim. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To suggest a plan, course of action, etc. 2 (context intransitive sometimes followed by '''to''' English) To ask for a person's hand in marriage. 3 (context transitive ...

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
verb COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES propose a toast (= ask people to drink a toast ) ▪ I’d like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. propose legislation (= suggest a new law ) ▪ The government proposed legislation on data protection. propose marriage ...

Usage examples of propose.

Holohan came to her and proposed that her daughter should be the accompanist at a series of four grand concerts which his Society was going to give in the Antient Concert Rooms.

Therefore she was not surprised when one day Mr Holohan came to her and proposed that her daughter should be the accompanist at a series of four grand concerts which his Society was going to give in the Ancient Concert Rooms.

The question was to be settled by a plebiscite of the people, in accordance with the Weimar Constitution, Strasser and Goebbels proposed that the Nazi Party jump into the fray with the Communists and the Socialists and support the campaign to expropriate the nobles.

May Sir George Grey proposed and carried a resolution which virtually rescinded that of Sir Eardley Wilmot, by declaring that, in the opinion of the house, it was not advisable to adopt any proceeding for the purpose of giving effect to the resolution of the 26th of that month.

I propose to ask your attention for a little while to some propositions in affirmance of that statement.

To these afflictive tidings was added some discouragement in respect to their proposed journey to Russia.

It is proposed to instruct the coast-guard by means of ship platform batteries of one gun each, constructed exactly similar to the ports of a man-of-war, placed in a position in each district convenient for the drill of fifty men, and in a situation in which it may be rendered available for defence, as well as affording a range to sea for practice.

William Dennison, the Postmaster-general, tendered his resignation, alleging as the chief cause the difference of opinion between himself and the President in regard to the proposed Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

If the sacerdotal laws allowed the reservation of judgments and the allegory of words, I would accept the proposed dignity on condition that I might be a philosopher at home, and abroad a narrator of apologues and parables.

I propose to add the Ceylon Mammalia to the Indian, and therefore shall allude to these further on.

In destroying government and statutory laws, Anarchism proposes to rescue the self-respect and independence of the individual from all restraint and invasion by authority.

He asserted that the scheme he was about to propose would remove all these inconveniencies, prevent numberless frauds, perjuries, and false entries, and add two or three hundred thousand pounds per annum to the public revenue.

For these reasons he proposed, that although the term of subscribing should be protracted till the thirtieth day of May, the encouragement of three pounds ten shillings per centum per annum should not be continued to the second subscribers longer than till the fifth day of December, in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five.

Foucault thus proposes the sexuo-linguistic theory of Jean-Pierre Brisset as an antidote to the anthropocentric structuralisms of Saussure, Lacan, and Chomsky.

Madison contended that the powers of taxation and appropriation of the proposed government should be regarded as merely instrumental to its remaining powers, in other words, as little more than a power of self-support.