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Word definitions for peril in dictionaries

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
v. pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is endangering the crops" [syn: endanger , jeopardize , jeopardise , menace , threaten , imperil ] put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position [syn: queer , expose , scupper , endanger ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Peril \Per"il\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Periled or Perilled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Periling or Perilling .] To expose to danger; to hazard; to risk; as, to peril one's life.

Usage examples of peril.

But the peculiar infelicity of the Byzantine princes exposed them to domestic perils, without affording any lively promise of foreign conquest.

I have shared my vision in the Alluvium, and you should know it has placed you in some peril.

Eternity, which neither fire will assoil, nor tempest peril, nor the wrath of years impair.

I know no justification, at any distance of time, for calumniating an historical character: surely truth belongs to the dead, and to the unfortunate: and they who have died upon a scaffold have generally had faults enough of their own, without attributing to them that which the very incurring of the perils which conducted them to their violent death renders, of all others, the most improbable.

Captain Baster the perils and drawbacks of stepfatherhood, he brushed out her abundant hair for her, an office he sometimes performed when she was in high favor with him.

What Ibn Battuta had written of its miseries and perils in 1350 would remain as true in 1650 or 1850.

Assuming that you could transport men and mounts through all the perils that bestrew the way between here and the Realm Amphibious, once there they would be utterly defeated.

But Vaughn realized the peril of the situation and the brevity of time left him.

But when she saw that I could talk and smile as usual, she was unsparing in her attempts to coax from me a pledge that I would never again peril life or limb to gratify my curiosity regarding the very few pursuits in which, for the highest remuneration, Martialists can be induced to incur the probability of injury and the chance of that death they so abjectly dread.

How willingly would I have exchanged a full-scale attempt at invasion for this shapeless, measureless peril, expressed in charts, curves, and statistics!

Since you introduce the subject of perils, it perhaps does not misbecome me to say that my most imminent perils come from yourself, or at least would come if I believed in your love and accepted your addresses.

But when of two men in deadly peril from an approaching explosion only one can escape, and the stronger, instead of monopolizing the chance, as he might, stands back and lays down his life in saving the weaker, it is a deed of heroic virtue, applauded by all men, supported by the whole moral creation which derives new beauty and sweetness from it.

Joint Chamber, as though by the force of his willpower alone, he could force sense into those men and women whose obstructionism was putting them in peril.

Where most of the tribesmen chose instinctively the path to which honor or loyalty or friendship bade them, Pandan would hesitate and temporize, to see which course held the least peril or the most personal advantage for himself.

There was a certaine man in the court of the Emperour, which had many offices, and in great favour, who at last by the envy of divers persons, was banished away and compelled to forsake the court : his wife Platina, a woman of rare faith and singular shamefastnes having borne ten children to her husband, despised all worldly Pompe and delicacy, and determined to follow her husband, and to be partaker of his perils and danger, wherefore shee cut off her haire, disguised her selfe like a man, and tooke with her all her treasure, passing through the hands of the souldiers, and the naked swords without any feare, whereby she endured many miseries, and was partaker of much affliction, to save the life of her husband, such was her love which she bare unto him.