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Answer for the clue "Sense of self-respect ", 7 letters:

Alternative clues for the word dignity

Word definitions for dignity in dictionaries

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Moral , ethical , legal , and political discussions use the concept of dignity to express the idea that a being has an innate right to be valued, respected, and to receive ethical treatment. In the modern context dignity can function as an extension of ...

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
n. the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; "it was beneath his dignity to cheat"; "showed his true dignity when under pressure" [syn: self-respect , self-esteem , self-regard ] formality in bearing and appearance; "he behaved with great dignity" ...

Usage examples of dignity.

On hearing from the alcaide the cause of the affray, he acted with becoming dignity, ordering the guards from the room and directing that the renegade should be severely punished for daring to infringe the hospitality of the palace and insult an embassador.

Then addressing herself to me, she told me, with dignity yet very graciously, the difficulty she experienced in understanding the answers I had sent and which she was holding in her hand.

He is a little man and no more than a boy, but he comports himself with Apollonian dignity.

Tammaron looked decidedly uneasy, Hubert drew himself up in his full archepiscopal dignity.

Wherefore Papinian declares it is better to give false judgment than none at all, seeing how men without justice are no better than wild beasts in the woods, whereas by justice is made manifest their nobleness and dignity, as is seen by the example of the Judges of the Areopagus, who were held in special honour among the Athenians.

With quiet dignity, Joscelin gathered up his armload of kindling and continued into the kitchen.

The terror of the Roman arms added weight and dignity to the moderation of the emperors.

Such was the deplorable weakness of government, that the emperor was unable to revenge his murdered friend and his insulted dignity, without stooping to the arts of patience and dissimulation.

Instead, she rose from the floor and picked Caleb up with as much dignity as she could.

I believe these automata can help restore dignity to other professions, and without great cost to yours.

Her head remained still, her eyes fixed upon the house of the Avellanos, whose chipped pilasters, broken cornices, the whole degradation of dignity was hidden now by the gathering dusk of the street.

At this word Jack leant out for the backstay and shot down on deck like a midshipman, forgetting his dignity and laddering his fine white stockings.

With great dignity he unwound his bandana handkerchief from his old fiddle and proceeded to tune for the fray.

While Baroni was speaking, a young man slowly and with dignity passed through the bystanders, advanced, and, looking very earnestly at Tancred, seated himself on the same carpet as the grand Sheikh.

The Community of Benedictine Nuns is regarded as the first, because of the abbotorial dignity it possesses.