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Word definitions for temerarious in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
a. recklessly daring or bold

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
"rash, reckless," 1530s, from Latin temerarius "rash, heedless, thoughtless, indiscreet," from temere "blindly, rashly, by chance" (see temerity ). Related: Temerariously ; temerariousness .

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Temerarious \Tem`er*a"ri*ous\, a. [L. temerarius. See Temerity .] Unreasonably adventurous; despising danger; rash; headstrong; audacious; reckless; heedless. -- Tem`er*a"ri*ous*ly , adv. I spake against temerarious judgment. --Latimer.

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. presumptuously daring; "a daredevil test pilot having the right stuff" [syn: brash , daredevil ]

Usage examples of temerarious.

I implore youfor your own sake or, at least, for the sake of this body which houses youto reconsider your previous, somewhat temerarious, reply.

When the guard mounted to his post he was sure he saw a temerarious Yankee in front of him, and hastened to slay him.

Arbuthnot observed that the most temerarious deeds were often done by people who had begun by funking, and then, in the shame of the rebound, did a good deal more than those who had no qualms.

We know that Kaidu is temerarious, but I doubt that he is suicidally so.

Only a day or two before an armoured motor-car, with German officers disguised in French uniforms, paid us a stealthy visit, and, after shooting three gendarmes in reply to their insistent challenge, ended its temerarious career one dark night by rushing headlong over the broken arch of a bridge into the chasm beneath.

Cologne, without the perusal or permission of the superiors of this place: whereas I am informed for certain that in the aforesaid books, and also in certain of letters on the same subject, sent clandestinely to the clergy and senate of Treves, and others, for the purpose of impeding the course of justice against witches and magicians, there are contained many articles which are not only erroneous and scandalous, but also suspected of heresy, and savoring of sedition: I therefore hereby revoke, condemn, reject, and repudiate, as if they had never been said or asserted by me, the said articles, as seditious and temerarious, contrary to the common judgment of learned theologians, to the decision and bulls of the supreme Pontiffs, and to the practice, and statutes, and laws of the magistrates and judges, as well as of this Archdiocese of Treves, as of the other provinces and principalities, in the order in which the same are hereunto annexed.

Recovering my self-possession, I asked if there were modes of transit by which I could safely visit this temerarious and remote people.

When before this, temerarious anticipators have written of the mighty buildings that might someday be, the illustrator has blended with the poor ineffectual splutter of the author's words, his powerful suggestion that it amounted simply to something bulbous, florid and fluent in the vein of the onion, and L'Art Nouveau.

For even within the limits of the Three Gases, Plattner's practical chemistry was, I understand, temerarious.