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Answer for the clue "A military action in which besieged troops burst forth from their position ", 5 letters:

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Sally may refer to:

Usage examples of sally.

He streaked acrost that log like it was a quarter-track, with the bark and splinters flying from under his hoofs, and if one foot had slipped a inch, it would of been Sally bar the door.

So, in the other world, Kerridis, Lady of the Alfar, was an analogue of Sally?

Sally Astridge, Matt Buchman, Karen MacLeod, Jennifer McCord, Kay Morrison, Sharon Plowman, May Taylor, Cindy Wyckoff, and John Zobel.

How she came back to The Bargee unexpectedly one afternoon and found you in bed with Sally.

Everett Everett Barr, an ex-carnival swindler and now a shyster lawyer, formerly employed Sally Surett in his office.

Sagebrush Smith and the bogus Sally Surett returned to the hotel room, Everett Everett Barr greeted them heartily.

And Everett Everett Barr turned down all propositions in the name of Sally Surett.

Den I told Sally dat I should like to libe under de British flag, so we went up to Canada and dere we libed bery comfortable for ten years together.

When, as the Roman army was besieging Corioli, and was wholly intent on the townspeople, whom they kept shut up, without any apprehension of war threatening from without, the Volscian legion, setting out from Antium, suddenly attacked them, and, at the same time the enemy sallied forth from the town, Marcius happened to be on guard.

And I should account it most blameable hotheadedness to have sallied forth when it seemed Spitfire had the victory.

Or rather, his brilliantly decorated rooms were like sets of a stage: at any time of day, men and women would sally down the glittering hallways, seeking each other out.

On the fifth night, it being the twenty-fourth of November, in the darkness of the third hour after midnight, the alarm was sounded and Corund summoned by a runner from the north with word that a sally was made from Eshgrar Ogo, and the lines bursten through in that quarter, and fighting going forward in the mirk.

She said not a word to Sally when she came over by the grill and made busywork of replenishing the supply of bread.

I had insensibly loved the board which echoed with applause at my sallies, and the comrades who, while they deprecated my satire, had been complaisant enough to hail it as wit.

The youth of the province were animated by the heroic, and almost incredible, valor of Ecdicius, the son of the emperor Avitus, who made a desperate sally with only eighteen horsemen, boldly attacked the Gothic army, and, after maintaining a flying skirmish, retired safe and victorious within the walls of Clermont.