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Word definitions for citizenship in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
n. The status of being a citizen.

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a sovereign state . A person may have multiple citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless . Nationality is often ...

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
"status, rights, privileges, and responsibilities of a citizen," 1610s, from citizen + -ship .

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES dual citizenship/nationality ▪ She has dual nationality , of Canada and Britain she is a citizen of Canada and Britain . United States Citizenship and Immigration Services COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ ADJECTIVE active ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Citizenship \Cit"i*zen*ship\, n. The state of being a citizen; the status of a citizen.

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
n. the status of a citizen with rights and duties conduct as a citizen; "award for good citizenship"

Usage examples of citizenship.

Here the Court declared that the right of a citizen, resident in one State, to contract in another, to transact any lawful business, or to make a loan of money, in any State other than that in which the citizen resides was a privilege of national citizenship which was abridged by a State income tax law excluding from taxable income interest received on money loaned within the State.

If we are to do as Lucius Marcius Philippus wants, and confine the citizenship of Rome to those among us who can claim family, ancestry, and legal writ, then the first man to have to leave both this House and the city of Rome would be Quintus Varius Severus Hybrida Sucronensis!

This is a much neater place than the last, but the people look stupid and apathetic, and I wonder what they think of the men who have abolished the daimiyo and the feudal regime, have raised the eta to citizenship, and are hurrying the empire forward on the tracks of western civilisation!

The honest, law-abiding Negro who has a home, is getting a little property, has a small bank account, and is educating his children to useful citizenship, attracts little or no attention.

Metellus Pius, who had never been in favor of granting the full Roman citizenship to the Italians, and had secretly applauded Philippus as censor because Philippus and his fellow censor, Perperna, had avoided enrolling the Italians as Roman citizens.

In contrast with the latter result, however, is a subsequent decision of the Court holding unconstitutional another section of the same California law providing that when an indictment alleges alienage and ineligibility to United States citizenship of a defendant, the burden of proving citizenship or eligibility thereto shall devolve upon the defendant.

A statute which excluded aliens ineligible to American citizenship from owning real estate was upheld in 1923 on the ground that the treaty in question did not secure the rights claimed.

California statute prohibiting the issuance of fishing licenses to persons ineligible to citizenship is disallowed, both on the basis of Amendment XIV and on the ground that the statute invaded a field of power reserved to the National Government, namely, the determination of the conditions on which aliens may be admitted, naturalized, and permitted to reside in the United States.

The Negro, however, according to the Chief Justice, was ineligible to attain United States citizenship either from a State or by virtue of birth in the United States, even as a free man descended from a Negro residing as a free man in one of the States at the date of ratification of the Constitution.

Japanese defendant the burden of proving citizenship by birth after the State endeavored to prove that he belonged to a race ineligible for naturalization.

Likewise a State law forbidding the issuance of commercial fishing licenses to aliens ineligible for citizenship has been held void.

United States, by virtue of the powers which inhere in it as a sovereign nation, has been deemed competent to provide that an individual voluntarily entering into certain designated conditions shall, as a consequence thereof, suffer the loss of citizenship.

Hence the political demand is that the existent fact of capitalist production be recognized juridically and that all workers be given the full rights of citizenship.

After the citizenship was made universal for all the peoples of the Italian Peninsula, a municipium principally meant a town and its district which had retained some of its self-governing powers, and still owned its public lands.

Israel as defining the first prerequisite to full citizenship in that mythologically inspired nation: by being born of a Jewish mother.