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Answer for the clue "Mix together different elements ", 8 letters:

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Word definitions for blending in dictionaries

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Blending is a technique to produce wine or other alcoholic beverages such as gueuze consisting in mixing different brews. In the case of rosé wine production, it is one of the techniques used, consisting to mix a white wine with some red wine. In the case ...

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. combining or mixing [syn: merging , mingling ] n. the act of blending components together thoroughly [syn: blend ] a gradation involving small or imperceptible differences between grades [syn: shading ]

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Blending \Blend"ing\, n. The act of mingling. (Paint.) The method of laying on different tints so that they may mingle together while wet, and shade into each other insensibly. --Weale.

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
n. The act or result of something being blended. vb. (present participle of blend English)

Usage examples of blending.

There is no more reason to think that species have been specially endowed with various degrees of sterility to prevent them crossing and blending in nature, than to think that trees have been specially endowed with various and somewhat analogous degrees of difficulty in being grafted together in order to prevent them becoming inarched in our forests.

To accomplish that unity, Anarchism has declared war on the pernicious influences which have so far prevented the harmonious blending of individual and social instincts, the individual and society.

He wore a brimless, conical white hat which, blending into the white of his forehead, would have made him rather resemble a bald pinhead, except that the cap was jauntily tilted just a bit to one side.

A sacrificial Mediator with Jehovah, that expiatory intercessor born from the chosen house of the chosen people, yet blending in his inexplicable nature the divine essence with the human elements, appointed before all time, and purifying, by his atoning blood, the myriads that preceded and the myriads that will follow us, without distinction of creed or clime, this is what you believe.

He cursed out loud, scolding himself for his inability to release the memories: the maelstrom of hypnagogic images superimposed upon all that he saw, the recollections of the accident tearing apart and blending back together again in a blurry mixture of lucid truth and deceptive mirage, the deafening blare of the horns in helpless warning, the walls of the chambers flashing in a fluctuating rhythm to the horns, between glowing red and pitch black, the faces burning and falling off everyone as the radiation surge hit, the crumbling support beams collapsing all about them, his own flesh melting, the blackness closing in.

They had hired a strolling marimba player to entertain with his music, and the mellow notes of the instrument were blending with the tinkle of the illuminated fountains.

Because Morraine had tangled their minds together as he tried to take over her thoughts, blending them with his own.

By uniting with the bone at one end and blending with the perimysium and fiber bundles at the other, the tendon forms a very secure attachment for the muscle.

If the soul is body and permeates the entire body-mass, still even in this entire permeation the blending must be in accord with what occurs in all cases of bodily admixing.

An exquisite mingling of many odours passed continually over the Mission, from the garden of the Seed ranch, meeting and blending with the aroma of its magnolia buds and punka blossoms.

She slipped between two shaggy-barked fir trees to wait, her dark cloak blending with the gloom of the shadowy afternoon, the white quatrefoil emblem of the Guards on her shoulder like a patch of snow on wet-darkened wood.

And as generations of the younger sons of Kindred Houses had wed the daughters of merchants, tradesmen, and farmers, while their titled brethren were blending their own blood and genes with scionesses of the houses of the surviving Ehleenoee nobility, there became less and ever less distinction between Kindred herder and Ehleenoe farmer stocks.

The light spun sunwise around them, colours blending, wrenching reality out of Time.

One of the observers, Cenbe, is a creative genius of the future, who takes back to tomorrow the impressions for a great symphonia, blending pictures and sound.

We know that with the uttermost of happiness there is wont to come a sudden blending of troublous humour.