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Answer for the clue "60's happening ", 4 letters:

Alternative clues for the word bein

Usage examples of bein.

I canna help bein glaid that I had him, and to tyne him has gien me an unco sair hert!

Show Bizniss, which Ive stroven to ornyment, is bein usurpt by Poplar Lecturs, as thay air kalled, tho in my pinion thay air poplar humbugs.

Shaker, and he led the way into the house, another Shaker bein sent to put my hosses and waggin under kiver.

Youse are so beautiful tae yir pals, ah love the wey thit yis aw look eftir each other, ah kin really feel that comin fae yis n ah kin pick up aw that cause bein a twin makes ye mair sensitive .

Disnae metter aboot the language, man, lassies ken whin thir bein leered at by some fuckin half-pished creep.

So I hitched myself to a Kanawl bote, there bein two other hosses hitcht on also, one behind and anuther ahead of me.

Ann Arbor, bein seized with a sudden faintness, I called for a drop of suthin to drink.

Hearto4, as I hav numerously obsarved, I have abstrained from having any sentimunts or principles, my pollertics, like my religion, bein of a exceedin accommodatin character.

I think your Affinity bizniss is cussed noncents, besides bein outrajusly wicked.

Your room bein in the tenth story, it will cost you a dollar to be shown up there.

These simple-minded monsters live in Afriky, and are believed to be human beins to a slight extent, altho' they are not allowed to vote.

Look round town - so rich as 'tis - and see the numbers o' people as has been broughten into bein heer, fur to weave, an' to card, an' to piece out a livin', aw the same one way, somehows, 'twixt their cradles and their graves.

Look round town - so rich as 'tis - and see the numbers o' people as has been broughten into bein heer, fur to weave, and to card, and to piece out a livin', aw the same one way, somehows, twixt their cradles and their graves.

Look round town - so rich as ’tis - and see the numbers o’ people as has been broughten into bein heer, fur to weave, an’ to card, an’ to piece out a livin’, aw the same one way, somehows, ’twixt their cradles and their graves.

Youse already started woikin' the scam dis aftanoon: I seen youse bein older—old enough to drink legal.