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Word definitions for incense in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Incense \In*cense"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Incensed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Incensing .] [L. incensus, p. p. of incendere; pref. in- in + root of candere to glow. See Candle .] To set on fire; to inflame; to kindle; to burn. [Obs.] Twelve Trojan princes wait on ...

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
late 13c., from Old French encens "sweet-smelling substance," from Late Latin incensum (nominative incensus ) "burnt incense," literally "something burnt," neuter past participle of Latin incendere "set on fire" (see incendiary ).

Usage examples of incense.

Galen led the way out of the room into the hall where the mosaic floor and plastered walls presented colored temple scenes--priests burning incense at the shrine of Aesculapius, the sick and maimed arriving and the cured departing, giving praise.

Whilst the numerous spectators, crowned with garlands, perfumed with incense, purified with the blood of victims, and surrounded with the altars and statues of their tutelar deities, resigned themselves to the enjoyment of pleasures, which they considered as an essential part of their religious worship, they recollected that the Christians alone abhorred the gods of mankind, and by their absence and melancholy on these solemn festivals, seemed to insult or to lament the public felicity.

The scoundrel answered that his words had certainly not been heard rightly, and the incensed landlord slapped the book in his face with such force that he sent him rolling, almost stunned, against the wall.

At the turning of the katun, the time comes for fasting and drinking balche, for cleansing the sacred books, for dancing on stilts and burning incense.

The grass was beflowered with open blossoms, incense sweet as myrrh pervaded upland and forest, birds sang on the mountain top, and all gave thanks to the great God.

In the meantime our author, who is a person of unbridled passion where his art is in question, becomes incensed with her performance and makes scenes and everybody except her Uncle Bennington retires into corners and tears pieces of their hair out.

While Tamara went into the forest to gather wildflowers for the blue vase that stood in the meditation room, he set out the candelabra and burned incense, the marvellously pungent buddhi sticks that cleansed the air of positive ions, dirt, noxious chemicals, or any sort of gaseous pollution.

King Chaac was before them, showing where the incense should be placed.

Priests, not merely of the Thousand Temples but from every Cult, representing every Aspect of God, had clambered from the beaches or wound down from the hills to take their place in the Holy War, singing hymns, clashing cymbals, making the air bitter with incense and the noise of adulation.

Merry was further incensed when Jefferson again insisted on escorting Dolley to the table.

Miss Dunstable mysteriously hinted, that if she were only allowed her full swing on this occasion,--if all the world would now indulge her, she would--She did not quite say what she would do, but the inference drawn by Mrs Gresham was this: that if the incense now offered on the altar of Fashion were accepted, Miss Dunstable would at once abandon the pomp and vanities of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh.

Then the litanies of the ritual were unfolded, the invocation to all the Saints, the flight of the Kyrie Eleison, calling Heaven to the aid of miserable humanity, mounting each time with great outbursts, like the fume of incense.

This action on the part of the United States authorities deeply incensed the Fenian leaders, and they were disposed to resent any interference with their plans.

Simpson roared away on the organ, the smell of assorted greengrocery rising like some humble incense.

Mrs Simpson roared away on the organ, the smell of assorted greengrocery rising like some humble incense.