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Answer for the clue "Sci-fi author Lester ___ Rey ", 3 letters:

Alternative clues for the word del

Usage examples of del.

Don Guillermo ibn Mahmood de Vargas y Sanchez del Rio of a glowering, stone-sheathed fortress abristle with guns.

Completely unaware, of course, he was bringing into reality all of the nightmares of Don Guillermo ibn Mahmood de Vargas y Sanchez del Rio of a glowering, stone-sheathed fortress abristle with guns.

There were his irrigation boots and a spade for cutting water out of the Acequia del Monte into his back field, or into his apple and plum trees, or into his garden.

Lawson chewed a piece of adobo and washed this down with a swig of the vaguely bitter Cruz del Campo beer.

Goya elected to adorn the dining room of his house, the Quinta del Sordo.

I began by showing him that Leticia Nazareno owed us for an amount of taffeta twice the nautical distance to Santa Maria del Altar, that is, one hundred ninety leagues, and he said aha as if to himself, and I ended up by showing him that the total debt with the special discount for your excellency was equal to six times the grand prize in the lottery for ten years, and he said aha again and only then did he look at me directly without his glasses and I could see that his eyes were timid and indulgent, and only then did he tell me with a strange voice of harmony that our reasons were clear and just, to each his own, he said, have them send the bill to the government.

On rare occasions one or other of us had sight of the Cavaliere Aquamorta, who maintained the same magnificence at the Albergo del Sole, and was reputed to be making large sums with his faro-bank.

When I came to look at my third basket, judge my dismay to find that it was addressed to the Cavaliere Aquamorta, at the Albergo del Sole.

Ver a ese viejo amigo del Abasto y clausurarme una semana entera en mi pieza, fue todo uno.

Giunsi finalmente al termine, non del sotterraneo ma del mio filo e con mio dispiacere riscontrai che non avevo nella mia impresa scoperto altro che la terribile solitudine che mi stava ancora davanti.

La povera, la derelitta Camilla inconscia ancora della perdita del suo Silvio e coi segni in volto delle passate sventure, aiutava macchinalmente le tre pietose.

Le altre donne seguirebbero la marcia e per ultimi i nostri amici con quanti restavano ancora dei difensori del lanificio.

Dicono alcuni, che prima ancora staua riuoltata al Popolo, e che accommodata, non accorgendosi del miracolo in detto giorno, poi lo diede a conoscere.

Let the Church follow the precedent which finally gave us Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Andrea del Sarto, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Correggio, Titian, Paul Veronese, Tintoretto, and the rest.

The evidence of a vile murder disappeared into the French countryside, and its perpetrator, Cardinal Jean-Francois Blasi, now held the key to the secrets of the Council of the Apocrypha and consequently, their two closely-guarded monasteries: des Gardiens and del Cancello.