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ZooBank is an open access website intended to be the official International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) registry of zoological nomenclature. It was officially proposed in 2005 by the executive secretary of ICZN. The registry was live on 10 August 2006 with 1.5 million species entered.

Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) are used as the globally unique identifier for ZooBank registration entries.

The ZooBank prototype was seeded with data from Index to Organism Names, which was compiled from the scientific literature in Zoological Record now owned by Thomson Reuters.

The first ZooBank LSIDs were issued on 1 January 2008, precisely 250 years after 1 January 1758, which is the date defined by the ICZN Code as the official start of scientific zoological nomenclature. Chromis abyssus was the first species entered into the ZooBank system with a timestamp of 2008-01-01T00:00:02.