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Crossword clues for zonked

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I could tell they were both zonked last night.

a. 1 (context slang English) Extremely fatigued. 2 (context slang English) Deeply asleep. 3 (context slang English) drunk.

Usage examples of "zonked".

You were supposed to be my groundman that night, only you got zonked and forgot to bring the chlorpromazine tranquilizers, so I took a bad trip.

I discovered that my friends had been busy while I was zonked out and afloat, getting my irradiated DNA put back together.

Students who once were angry activists were content to live back in their pads and smile at the world through a fog of marijuana smoke -- or, worse, to dress like clowns or American Indians and stay zonked for days at a time on LSD.

You're so zonked you OK a nuclear power station in your constituency and six months later you realize to your horror what you've done.