Zombicide, is a collaborative adventure board game with a modern zombie theme, created by Guillotine Games. It was launched on Kickstarter by publisher CoolMiniOrNot and raised $781,597 from 5,258 backers.
In the game, each player controls from one (for 6 players) to four (solo game) "survivors", human beings in a zombie-infested town. In fact, "survivors" hastily change to "hunters" to smash zombies through and through. However, the team must constantly keep the balance between survival and slaughter: as the zombicide's going on, the "Danger level" is going up and infected are growing in numbers. Any misstep can turn to disaster.
Several sequels have been created and achieved major success: Zombicide: Prison Outbreak, Zombicide: Rue Morgue and a fantasy themed version Zombicide: Black Plague, all published by CoolMiniOrNot.
The franchise has raised $9,153,036 combined on Kickstarter as of 7 July 2015. Zombicide: Black Plague, the 4th installment in the series, is the highest funded Tabletop Game Kickstarter ever as of 7 July 2015.