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Zimbalist (originally Tsimbalist) is a surname that means "one who plays the cimbalom (traditional string instrument of Central and East Europe)" and can refer to:

  • Al Zimbalist (1910–1975), producer of low-budget films such as Cat Women of the Moon, Watusi, and Baby Face Nelson
  • Andrew Zimbalist (born 1947), American economist, father of Jeff
  • Efrem Zimbalist (1889–1985), Russian violinist, father of Efrem Jr.
  • Efrem Zimbalist, Jr (1918–2014), American actor, son of Efrem and father of Stephanie
  • Jeffrey "Jeff" (Leib Nettler) Zimbalist (born 1978), American documentary filmmaker, son of Andrew
  • Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist (1876–1970), founder of the Curtis Institute of Music, married to Efrem
  • Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo (1944–1981), American Anthropologist
  • Sam Zimbalist (1901–1958), American Oscar-winning film producer
  • Stephanie Zimbalist (born 1956), American actress, daughter of Efrem Jr.

Category:Jewish families