n. (context humorous English) An incredibly rich person.
Usage examples of "zillionaire".
He did offer some insights about himself, his rapid rise from the depths of OPD to mass tort zillionaire, all in just a few months, and the impressive firm he was building, etcetera.
American zillionaire and as the trip nets Lace two thou on the pools alone he feels quite grateful to Schultz.
His name was Cowan Phillips and he was the chief designer of computer-game software for a company called Mute Corp, run and owned by Remington Mute, zillionaire recluse who had made his zillions from the computer games that he, Cowan Phillips, designed.
The man did not have to be a zillionaire or look like Brad Pitt, but to just be sincere and secure in his love.
For the first time since Jennifer had left him for her software zillionaire, it occurred to him that maybe he did want to do something else with his life besides add a few more fantasy resorts to the Avalon chain.
You've watched your fellow zillionaires, many in their waning years, grow desperate for more time.
Wish I could ship you a couple of my folks, but nobody with a decent job here is gonna go peacefully out to Ceres unless they got asteroid fever and think they're gonna become zillionaires in six weeks.