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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1969, from zigzag.


n. A sudden or sharp turn or change of direction. vb. To make such a turn.


n. an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions [syn: zigzag, zag]

Zig (Talmud)

In the Babylonian Talmud, Zig is a giant rooster which stands with its foot on the earth and touches heaven with its head. Legend has it that when it spreads its wings it causes a total eclipse of the sun.

According to Jewish commentaries, this myth is meant to express a mystical idea.


Zig may refer to:

  • Zig (Talmud), a giant rooster from Judaism
  • Zığ, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Zig, Iran, a village in Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran
  • Zoster-immune globulin
  • Zavod Imyennyi Goltsman – Works named for Goltsman - ZIG

Usage examples of "zig".

The shuttlecar zigged and zagged around other vehicles as Nyk used the inertial sink to change directions instantly.

Marcus Mabry on the eighteen, zigs one way back the other, cuts upfield, has some room and is tackled at the thirty-yard line, where the Spartans will attempt to generate some offense for the first time tonight.

Useful in zig detection, when a down shifted frequency shows the target moving away and an upshift shows the target turning toward own ship.

And Zigger would gobble down the last few pieces of brittleroot on his plate.

And so young Zigger grew up strong and smart, and all his teachers said he could be anything he wanted to when he grew up.

The population in steerage did seem to have a particularly high proportion of nonhuman sophonts, Zigger thought.

It was something of a letdown when Zigger realized what kind of merchandise the store sold.

After zigging through a bombproof furlong of roof, he was dropping into a large twilit cave.

As I stared, Sulpho zigged, snapped up a dozen of the horrors, zagged to snap up another dozen, then did a full somersault in mid-air for yet another mouthful.

I crossed over first and took up a forward position with Zig and Zag as the Redwings followed.

Just as I felt as though I were drowning in a vast inventory system, a hand grabbed me on the shoulder and the safehouse room with Zig and Zag swam back into view.

Silk sheets were great to dream about but always slidey when you needed four-wheel traction, and the damn water mattress made her almost seasick, zigging when it should zag.

Farther up, the thin lines of the cables, the grass, and the tree line blended into the white glare of snow, and higher up still, multicolored dots zigged and zagged.

Now she saw that the thread did not go straight down, but zigged and zagged.

Ahead, the walkway stretches empty, the silver ripples running ahead of their footsteps, travels perhaps fifteen, twenty virtual meters before it zigs again to skirt an encroaching plane.