In Greek mythology, Zeuxippe (; ) was the name of several women. The name means "she who yokes horses," from zeugos, "yoke of beasts" / "pair of horses," and hippos, "horse."
- Zeuxippe, mother of Eribotes and Butes by Teleon. She was the daughter of the river god Eridanos.
- Zeuxippe, mother of Erechtheus, Butes, Procne and Philomela by Pandion I. She was the sister of Praxithea.
- Zeuxippe, daughter of Lamedon (son of Coronus) and Pheno, and with her husband Sicyon the mother of Chthonophyle.
- Zeuxippe, a daughter of Hippocoon and the mother of Oicles and Amphalces with Antiphates.
- Zeuxippe, a daughter of Athamas and possibly the mother of Ptous by Apollo.