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vb. (present participle of zero English)

Zeroing (disambiguation)

Zeroing may refer to:

  • Calibration
  • Zeroing (trade)

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Zeroing (trade)

Zeroing refers to a controversial methodology used by the United States for calculating antidumping duties against foreign products. The foreign domestic price (FDP) of the product is compared with its U.S. import price (USIP) adjusted for transportation and handling costs. Under zeroing, the United States sets at zero the negative differences (that is whenever FDP minus USIP is less than zero).

Critics of this methodology charge that, because negative amounts are excluded, zeroing results in the calculation of a margin and an antidumping duty in excess of the actual dumping practiced by the countries concerned. The European Union has called for establishment of a World Trade Organization dispute settlement panel to rule on the U.S. practice of zeroing.

A report from the WTO's appellate body condemned this method as unfair. “we are also of the view that a comparison between export price and normal value that does not take fully into account the prices of all comparable export transactions – such as the practice of “zeroing” at issue in this dispute – is not a “fair comparison” between export price and normal value, as required by Article 2.4 and by Article 2.4.2.; (Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India, WT/DS141/AB/R, adopted 12 March 2001).

Usage examples of "zeroing".

Private SIGs are correlating data from nearly every gazer beam, tossing out bad theories and zeroing in on the truth.

Creditors were zeroing in on the Ordinand proceeds, and there would be precious little left for other sharks.

Of course every newspaper from the Times to the Tattler was zeroing in on the Roach murders.

With a sudden and completely unjustified intuition, he swept a hand across the bank of power switches, zeroing them all to black, then watching them as they booted back up again.

When she called his name in a high, strangled voice, he turned instantly toward the sound, his gaze searching for her in the crowd and zeroing in on her face.

Or was this just cops zeroing in on the facts, ma'am, as if she herself was the one who'd robbed her own apartment, burglarized it, whatever the hell.

Without a hitch, without a pause, he swung the revolver back, zeroing in on Morton Colton as he got a shot off that went just over Longarm's head.

The programmers hadn't hit the software exactly right, and the self-correcting features were still zeroing in on controlling image brightness and contrast and coordinating those qualities with her natural eye's acuity properly.

Gradually, the mites learned to ignore hydro and machine forms, and began zeroing in toward his type of oxy-based organism.

While I was zeroing in with M-31, Sam was doing the same with the Magellanic clouds, or what he thought were the Magellanic clouds.

Even the publicity boy, surveying Richard's situation, might have said without irony that all his prospectives were zeroing in.

Blast followed blast as the Sandinistas walked the mortar rounds up the slope toward the top of the ridge, zeroing in on and bracketing Santana's position.

Subsequent data told the new cell what to become-each pulse, or absence of a pulse, converting it into a slightly more specialized transition state, zeroing in on the particular final state required.

Subsequent data told the new cell what to becomeeach pulse, or absence of a pulse, converting it into a slightly more specialized transition state, zeroing in on the particular final state required.

Later, as a budding scientist, Yosil ignored the fashionable but doomed cyber and nanotech fads, zeroing instead on the virgin field of neuro-ceramics.