Zaytoun is a non-profit organisation established to support Palestinian farming communities by helping to increase the market for their olive oil products internationally, and also by helping the farmers themselves improve the quality of their oil through training and equipment provision.
As a result of the current conflict, Palestinian olive farmers have faced the uprooting of many of their crops and also suffer from a lack of access to their farms due to the security fence. Zaytoun operates within the Palestinian Occupied Territories to establish cooperatives that enable farmers to improve the quality of their oil and to highlight the impact of the conflict on poverty.
Up to 100,000 families depend upon the olive harvest for their livelihoods to some extent.
Zaytoun is supported by UK charity War on Want amongst others. They were awarded Fairtrade certification for their olive oil in March 2009
Zaytoun is a 2012 Israeli adventure thriller film directed by Eran Riklis and produced by Academy Award-winning producer Gareth Unwin and Fred Ritzenberg. It premiered in September 2012 at the Toronto International Film Festival.
The screenplay was written by Nader Rizq, a Palestinian-American living in the United States. What started as a hobby in 1991 ended up making the semi-finals of the 2001 Nicholl Fellowships run by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Subsequent re-writes again placed in the Nicholls and semi-finaled in the Ohio Independent Screenplay Awards. In late 2007, American producer Fred Ritzenberg came aboard and helped further develop the script.
The film's title is the Arabic word for an olive.