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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Zauschneria \Zau*schne"ri*a\, n. [NL., named for M. Zauschner, a Bohemian botanist.] (Bot.) A genus of flowering plants. Zauschneria Californica is a suffrutescent perennial, with showy red flowers much resembling those of the garden fuchsia.


n. (taxlink Epilobium canum species noshow=1), a North American willowherb.

Usage examples of "zauschneria".

At intervals it hands down decrees, declaring that Zauschneria californica (a common plant in rock gardens) is to be known henceforth as Epilobium canum or that Aglaothamnion tenuissimum may now be regarded as conspecific with Aglaothamnion byssoides, but not with Aglaothamnion pseudobyssoides.