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n. (plural of zander English)

Usage examples of "zanders".

The cocurator had, with much fawning and gushing, assured him Chloe Zanders would be waiting for him, as someone named Bill had already returned, having left her at his address.

Chloe Zanders snapped, raking her long curly hair from her face with both hands.

Nurtured on Midwest values, an idealist to the core, Chloe Zanders had a weakness, and Tom knew it.

Polished and chic, they were Mercedes and BMWs and Jaguars, and Chloe Zanders was a.

Nothing against Zanders, Grandda had often said, it's a fine name, but it's as easy to fall in love with a Scotsman as an Englishman, lass.

Oh, no, he wasn't going to harm her, he was just going to torture her, tease her, pretend he was being seductive, and watch Chloe Zanders turn into a stammering idiot while being hand-fed by the most incredibly gorgeous man this side of the Atlantic.

He wasn't in the best temper for many reasons, not the least of them that he'd used magic earlier, first on a brief visit to Security before she'd wakened, reminding them that they saw Chloe Zanders leave yestreen, and later when she'd tried to escape, a reflexive action, without thought.

Oh, God, Zanders, she thought, marveling, you're talking yourself into this!

Face it, Zanders, you aren't the kind of girl who can be physically intimate with a man without getting emotionally involved.

Oh, Zanders, you are so not politically correct, she thought dismally.

You've got it bad, Zanders, she reluctantly acknowledged with a little sigh.

Oh, Zanders, she chided herself weakly, I think this was a little more than just another loopy turn.

Come on, Zanders, get a grip, the voice of reason endeavored valiantly to assert itself.

His expression couldn't have said any more dearly that Chloe Zanders had kept her virginity quite long enough.

Face it, Zanders, however he did it--physics, Druidry, archeoastronomy--he took you back.