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Zabur is, according to Islam, the holy book of Dawud ( David), one of the holy books revealed by God before the Quran, alongside others such as the Tawrat ( Torah) of Musa ( Moses) and the Injil ( Gospel) of Isa ( Jesus).

Some scholars equate the Zabur with the biblical book of Psalms. The term zabur is the Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew zimrah , meaning: "song, music." It, along with zamir meaning: "song" and "nightingale"-the song bird), mizmor meaning: "psalm" and zamar/zameret , meaning: a singer (masculine and feminine, respectively)ת derivatives of the Hebrew infinitive verb: , meaning: "sing, sing praise, make music."

However, unavoidably, the word also bears uncanny sound (pronunciation) resemblance to the Hebrew word of story sipur (with the known linguistic phenomenon of letter interchanging between the various Semitic languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic – i.e. interchange of letters s-z, a-i such as in zapur-sipur) which is most plausible – as, this particular song or psalm necessarily also conveyed a story within it – sung or not.

Among many Christians in the Middle East and in South Asia, the word Zabur ( Hindustani: ( Nastaleeq), ( Devanagari)) is used for Psalms in the Bible.