is a Japanese musical group formed by Tomohiko Kira, Yoko Ueno, and Katushi Matsuda in 1985. In 1993, Ueno and Matsuda left and Kira continued the group as a solo act still under the name Zabadak. The sound of Zabadak has been strongly influenced by both Celtic music and progressive.
Zabadak was named after a song by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich. The main-belt asteroid 10566 Zabadak was named after the band.
The character Sakuya Kira from Kaori Yuki's Angel Sanctuary was named after Tomohiko Kira, but since Yuki couldn't take Tomohiko as a first name for her character, she took "Sakuya" from Konohanasakuya-hime.
"Zabadak" is the name of a hit song by the British musical group Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich, written by Ken Howard and Alan Blaikley. It was featured on the 1967 Boxing Day episode of Top of the Pops.
The song has been covered by several artists, among them The Sorrows on a single produced for the Italian market.
The song uses African style percussion (despite nonsense lyrics) and was typical of the group's dabbling with other world styles of music, such as the Latin style of "Save Me" and the Greek style of "Bend It", which made DDDBMT among the more distinctive mid-1960s groups.